Satisfactory Community Highlights Archive

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September 3rd, 2024 Community Highlights

Community Highlights for the September 3rd, 2024 Livestream originally streamed on

  1. 00:00 Intro
  2. 00:26 "Just some Vanilla blueprints"
  3. 00:38 Snutt & Mikael Talk: Preparing for 1.0
  4. 07:40 Hitch a ride?
  5. 12:57 Secrets of Nier
  6. 15:26 It aged well
  7. 18:37 TITAN
  8. 22:14 Slightly apocalyptic
  9. 23:43 Salute, ye of FICSIT
  10. 26:37 Adios, Update... 5?!
  11. 28:05 The Ultimate Z
  12. 31:26 How to get featured in Community Highlights
  13. 32:42 Q&A: Is there going to be a Community Highlights next week?
  1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pobkac referenced at 26 seconds into, with the label ""Just some Vanilla blueprints"" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pobkac referenced at 26 seconds into, with the label ""Just some Vanilla blueprints"" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pobkac referenced at 26 seconds into, with the label ""Just some Vanilla blueprints"" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pobkac referenced at 26 seconds into, with the label ""Just some Vanilla blueprints""
    00:26 (View on YouTube)

    "Just some Vanilla blueprints"

  2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content referenced at 38 seconds into, with the label "Snutt & Mikael Talk: Preparing for 1.0"
    00:38 (View on YouTube)

    Snutt & Mikael Talk: Preparing for 1.0

  3. 316 Coal Generators: 23.700 MW So i started to like drones. This Baby here produces 780 Batteries/m. This is my attempt for supporting "future drones" ,if i have a future in 1.0 This Titan is a turbo fuel plant and over 60.000 MW strong. Bio Fuel Bot This one is dedicated to all lost Mechs of my old game. RIP
    07:40 (View on YouTube)

    Hitch a ride?

  4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xonkene referenced at 777 seconds into, with the label "Secrets of Nier" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xonkene referenced at 777 seconds into, with the label "Secrets of Nier" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xonkene referenced at 777 seconds into, with the label "Secrets of Nier"
    12:57 (View on YouTube)

    Secrets of Nier

  5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 926 seconds into, with the label "It aged well" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 926 seconds into, with the label "It aged well" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 926 seconds into, with the label "It aged well" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 926 seconds into, with the label "It aged well" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 926 seconds into, with the label "It aged well"
    15:26 (View on YouTube)

    It aged well

  6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Skater3289 referenced at 1117 seconds into, with the label "TITAN" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Skater3289 referenced at 1117 seconds into, with the label "TITAN" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Skater3289 referenced at 1117 seconds into, with the label "TITAN"
    18:37 (View on YouTube)


  7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Agador777 referenced at 1334 seconds into, with the label "Slightly apocalyptic" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Agador777 referenced at 1334 seconds into, with the label "Slightly apocalyptic" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Agador777 referenced at 1334 seconds into, with the label "Slightly apocalyptic"
    22:14 (View on YouTube)

    Slightly apocalyptic

  8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by WittrockWittrock referenced at 1423 seconds into, with the label "Salute, ye of FICSIT" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by WittrockWittrock referenced at 1423 seconds into, with the label "Salute, ye of FICSIT" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by WittrockWittrock referenced at 1423 seconds into, with the label "Salute, ye of FICSIT"
    23:43 (View on YouTube)

    Salute, ye of FICSIT

  9. Main complex on the Grass Fields. A factory with a view. Tower lobby. Fun fact, the "share price" is the amount of hours spent on this session.
    26:37 (View on YouTube)

    Adios, Update... 5?!

  10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Terrornator referenced at 1685 seconds into, with the label "The Ultimate Z" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Terrornator referenced at 1685 seconds into, with the label "The Ultimate Z" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Terrornator referenced at 1685 seconds into, with the label "The Ultimate Z" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Terrornator referenced at 1685 seconds into, with the label "The Ultimate Z" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Terrornator referenced at 1685 seconds into, with the label "The Ultimate Z"
    28:05 (View on YouTube)

    The Ultimate Z