Satisfactory Community Highlights Archive

powered by Satisfactory Clips Archive

By Date


  1. 2025-02-04
    1. Once again, thanks to Structural Solutions and Infinite Nudge mod for this build :)
    2. Metalworks - Foundry Floor
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Suspicious-Sun9078 referenced at 512 seconds into, with the label "IKEA imminent"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Aemon144 referenced at 670 seconds into, with the label "Such a flow"
    5. The remodeled 'Pasta Palace'. It creates 18 Pasta, which gets turned in part into 140 singularity cells
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by OneBanana5954 referenced at 887 seconds into, with the label "I..."
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 1041 seconds into, with the label "I'm homesick"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by lucidrainbows referenced at 1300 seconds into, with the label "Collection for the ages"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699 referenced at 1576 seconds into, with the label "The damn Swamp"
  2. 2025-01-28
    1.  I spent too much time on this
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MilesTPrower91 referenced at 714 seconds into, with the label "My German Style Victorian FICSMAS 1.0 Village"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Kinstruction referenced at 965 seconds into, with the label "My FICSMAS Contest Submission"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Rufus_Ruffcut referenced at 1267 seconds into, with the label "FICSMAS Family Project — Happy Christmas from our family to yours!"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by The0tterguy referenced at 1482 seconds into, with the label "Made a cozy Santa's Village in the northern forest"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by aq0437 referenced at 1585 seconds into, with the label "Happy Holidays pioneers! May I present to you my Ficsmas grotto, with a functional tree workshop, an underground village and so much more!"
    7. My FICSMAS 2024 build is finally complete! Mount Ficsmas is a self made snow/ice biome, including an icelake with skating carts and a mountain that functions as my Ficsmas factory!
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MinimumSea6118 referenced at 2901 seconds into, with the label "Happy Ficsmas"
    9. Here's a one-take video of the relevant factory. Enjoy.
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Troldann referenced at 3448 seconds into, with the label "FicsmasLand 2024 (save and more pictures in comments)"
  3. 2025-01-14
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by PossessionAdept3120 referenced at 84 seconds into, with the label "Ah my beloved brutalism"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Ptodahl referenced at 144 seconds into, with the label "Get the party started"
    3. I spent most of my Christmas holidays playing Satisfactory. Around 40hrs a week. Going back to work today is pretty hard so, I'm taking a little break posting this.
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 520 seconds into, with the label "What about Ancient Factories?"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by sdvnafets referenced at 691 seconds into, with the label "Among Us"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Pyyric referenced at 934 seconds into, with the label "THEY'RE TAKING THE HOBBITS"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Resident-Area-7947 referenced at 1168 seconds into, with the label "Can we go dad?"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by From_Scratch_Games referenced at 1377 seconds into, with the label "Colors of Victory"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pdemonium99 referenced at 1601 seconds into, with the label "Truly, Pandemonium"


  1. 2024-12-17
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by VorpalHerring referenced at 38 seconds into, with the label "Tree of Life"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Ravix-of-Fourhorn referenced at 225 seconds into, with the label "You know cuz it's orange"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by faerine1 referenced at 449 seconds into, with the label "Simply, massive"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DJKinggo13 referenced at 572 seconds into, with the label "Elevaception"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 648 seconds into, with the label "I miss it so much"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by PimpsAreLame referenced at 770 seconds into, with the label "Safety First"
    7. Made a round-a-bout, then realized how it was oriented on the map.
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by LaGioconda referenced at 1027 seconds into, with the label "Evolution"
    9. My game save has just over 500 hours on it.  375 of those were spent building this ship.
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699 referenced at 1295 seconds into, with the label "BUT WHY"
  2. 2024-12-10
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by themonkeyzen referenced at 30 seconds into, with the label "Sooner than expected"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by McBeefnick referenced at 125 seconds into, with the label "The Geisel Library!"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Nartian referenced at 249 seconds into, with the label "Crawling in my skin"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DJKinggo13 referenced at 430 seconds into, with the label ""Fine Hannah""
    5. Magritte Plays Satisfactory
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by LaGioconda referenced at 803 seconds into, with the label "Smoking hot"
    7. building on water allows you to build canals :)
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by BismorBismorBismor referenced at 946 seconds into, with the label "It's so ROUND"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Dry-Garbage-1585 referenced at 1122 seconds into, with the label "PEW PEW MOTHER****"
    10. This factory is definitely not ADA-approved
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Beerfester referenced at 1295 seconds into, with the label "Shut up ADA"
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by FlanellHeld referenced at 1406 seconds into, with the label "YES"
  3. 2024-12-03
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DJKinggo13 referenced at 16 seconds into, with the label "Nebulous"
    2. 8/min Uranium Fuel Rods
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MusicAccomplished263 referenced at 266 seconds into, with the label "Fully charged"
    4. The factory must grow :)
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Suspicious-Sun9078 referenced at 409 seconds into, with the label "The Nexus"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by HistorianOk706 referenced at 666 seconds into, with the label "You know cuz it's red"
    7. O.S and R.C.U facility. 7.5 of each
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Hamlock1982 referenced at 877 seconds into, with the label "Jolly town!"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by jim_bu referenced at 1021 seconds into, with the label "Tick Tock"
    10. Started to clean up my quick wire tech stuff...
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by avarageone referenced at 1281 seconds into, with the label "Dem tunnels doe"
    12. I made some homies
  4. 2024-11-26
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 25 seconds into, with the label "THANK YOU!"
    2. The beginning and the end.
    3. Some 60 hours later, the diluted fuel plant is finally completed...
    4. Aluminum factory
22,5 Radio Control Units
50 Cooling Systems
3,33 Super Computers
12 Fused Modular Frames
5,62 Turbo Motors
2 Pressure Conversion Cubes
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Pandurmonium referenced at 684 seconds into, with the label "Manta fun!"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DetailEvening referenced at 767 seconds into, with the label "LITTLE dam indeed"
    7. This week I made a small outpost in the Titan Forest: A Semi-Automatic Biofuel Factory, wrapping around a Titan tree
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by vincent2057 referenced at 1087 seconds into, with the label "I love this"
    9. A simple but pretty bridge.
    10. I built a bridge, how did I do?
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by BismorBismorBismor referenced at 1323 seconds into, with the label "Bridge oneshots!"
    12. Making Underground "Conduit"
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by nico721GD referenced at 1514 seconds into, with the label "The real way to play"
    14. My latest spaghetti screenshot
  5. 2024-11-12
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Fanfan200 referenced at 42 seconds into, with the label "NYOOOOM!"
    2. Plant overview
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Upbeat-Elephant-2862 referenced at 354 seconds into, with the label "Don't breathe in here"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Alt-Ctrl referenced at 517 seconds into, with the label "Still the Swamp"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by cwigginsNYC referenced at 687 seconds into, with the label "Stark?"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content referenced at 893 seconds into, with the label "StoryPuzzleheaded805 = Haaai!!"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by HistorianOK706 referenced at 1018 seconds into, with the label "Lego feels!"
    8. My first real build! Inspired by TotalXclipse
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by finalizer0 referenced at 1218 seconds into, with the label "Orb?"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 1330 seconds into, with the label "Howly. Sh!t."
  6. 2024-11-05
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699 referenced at 65 seconds into, with the label "It's raw power"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Traditional_Seaweed4 referenced at 202 seconds into, with the label "Classy"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by phixlps referenced at 358 seconds into, with the label "1.8k concrete/Arch"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by NounoursBonheur referenced at 449 seconds into, with the label "Battle on the...?"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Goatblort referenced at 531 seconds into, with the label "It's definitely not a box"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by XSEIDET referenced at 692 seconds into, with the label "Signs are overpowered"
    7. finally starting to put in some work to make them look nice - Computer Facotry
    8. Several blueprints + custom work to bring them together
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ItsMeThomasYT referenced at 1279 seconds into, with the label "Mad respect for home"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by game0000lab referenced at 1391 seconds into, with the label "Dude..."
    11. Spaghetti doesn't have to be ugly
  7. 2024-10-15
    1. It was fun :)
    2. I have build the Doofenschmirtz Evil Inc. because we are exploiting the planet
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by T__V_____2 referenced at 518 seconds into, with the label "Computer factory btw"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @DrawingXaos referenced at 578 seconds into, with the label "This feels powerful"
    5. About 10 hours of gameplay. I'd say it was worth it
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by rbean44 referenced at 968 seconds into, with the label "Rainbow Steel"
    7. Introducing my 1.0 megabase: Project NEBULA
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 1202 seconds into, with the label "What Pixar movie is this?"
    9. Just let it sink in...
    10. A fellow pioneer asked for a torso on the legs.
    11. A fellow pioneer wished to give the arch a torso. Behold, Steve
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MisterFixit_69, Snutt referenced at 1496 seconds into, with the label "Cowboy doodles"
  8. 2024-10-01
    1. "I'll just go and build a train station really quick..." - *6 hours later*
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Axial_c44 referenced at 143 seconds into, with the label "Drills are in"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by XSEIDET referenced at 266 seconds into, with the label "Can't y'all just mine normally?"
    4. When the moonlight hits your factory JUST right.
    5. The main hall, there are 5 smelting halls on each side, each with 20 smelters
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Basil_zazel referenced at 600 seconds into, with the label "UNTZ UNTZ"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Jackman1805 referenced at 678 seconds into, with the label "UNTZ UNTZ"
    8. The plant at dawn with the space elevator in the background.
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Yakez referenced at 1085 seconds into, with the label "So high"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by huntersood referenced at 1200 seconds into, with the label "A humble brag"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 1386 seconds into, with the label "Welcome to Sign-Kea!"
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Ynaxxgaming referenced at 1544 seconds into, with the label "You need to stop."
  9. 2024-09-24
    1. *Totally Above Board* Quartz Vender
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Lastarot referenced at 136 seconds into, with the label "Penrose Fuel Power"
    3. I beat the game without touching uranium. How? 336 fully overclocked rocket fuel generators. That's how.
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Diplodosam referenced at 269 seconds into, with the label "Clean"
    5. Hypertube Cannon Launchpad? No, this is a Warp Star Station 💗✨
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Merlin0283 referenced at 392 seconds into, with the label "Interior"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by lurker035 referenced at 439 seconds into, with the label "color coded coal"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Apprehensive_Ask7466 referenced at 512 seconds into, with the label "balanced"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content referenced at 560 seconds into, with the label "Straight-Attempt-516 Confidential Factory"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Nuclearfish108 referenced at 696 seconds into, with the label "Basic Factory"
    11. I may not be the best at building pretty factories, but when I saw this thing added in 1.0, I had to replicate it
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by adso_sadso referenced at 853 seconds into, with the label "Chinatown 2077"
    13. Juste finish my New Hub for my V1 game
  10. 2024-09-17
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Der_Mund1 referenced at 74 seconds into, with the label "Enter 1.0"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Unhappy_Culture_1732 referenced at 163 seconds into, with the label "Brutalism's no' goin' anywhere"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Lascona referenced at 285 seconds into, with the label "Holy dope"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AdmiralDanial referenced at 480 seconds into, with the label "Reverse them..."
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by emlack referenced at 586 seconds into, with the label "1.0 vibes"
    6. WIP - Team Rocket hits hard, lets see how long it takes to be finished. so far about 30h in this build. 1200 Rocketfuel & 250 Turbofuel, all in one and runs net zero
    7. Help with stubborn Pioneer
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Wolfrages referenced at 862 seconds into, with the label "You HAD to act on it..."
    9. All Hail The Holy Coal!
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by From_Scratch_Games referenced at 1069 seconds into, with the label "Insanity? Checks out"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pobkac referenced at 1203 seconds into, with the label "Man, stop."
    12. Not sure if this was possible before 1.0, but with the new signal dividing rails feature you can make very compact roundabouts
    13. Alright, who didn't flush?
    14. Gul'dan was here
    15. Reached the Build Limit in Satisfactory, So I Made This Giant Face to Watch Over My Factory!
  11. 2024-09-10
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaybsGaming referenced at 6878 seconds into, with the label "Farewell Update 8~"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by IanTheWonderdog referenced at 6990 seconds into, with the label "A New Meta Emerges"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by GGStar4000 referenced at 7014 seconds into, with the label "The New Meta Mk II"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Scratchy_Plum referenced at 7057 seconds into, with the label "The New Meta Mk III"
    5. Hit the 32-bit integer limit
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by PerforatedSoldier referenced at 7189 seconds into, with the label "This is fine."
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by HearMeDook referenced at 7238 seconds into, with the label "Route 1"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Fabiosimmo referenced at 7294 seconds into, with the label "I would live here."
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Lucky_Season3707 referenced at 7441 seconds into, with the label "Satisfactory Everywhere™️"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Chaos1699ttv referenced at 7505 seconds into, with the label "Vertigo"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by aFlickerFromBeyond referenced at 7591 seconds into, with the label "Busy Bee Power Tower"
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Jace referenced at 7650 seconds into, with the label "look mom im on tv"
    13. I thought, wow. 4000 Assembly Directors @1/m would take 60 hours. So I spend 120 hours to make 10/m.
    14. general view from above
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by BLAndrew575 referenced at 8025 seconds into, with the label "Lizard Doggo Wrangler"
    16. Reference
  12. 2024-09-03
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pobkac referenced at 26 seconds into, with the label ""Just some Vanilla blueprints""
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content referenced at 38 seconds into, with the label "Snutt & Mikael Talk: Preparing for 1.0"
    3. 316 Coal Generators: 23.700 MW
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xonkene referenced at 777 seconds into, with the label "Secrets of Nier"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 926 seconds into, with the label "It aged well"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Skater3289 referenced at 1117 seconds into, with the label "TITAN"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Agador777 referenced at 1334 seconds into, with the label "Slightly apocalyptic"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by WittrockWittrock referenced at 1423 seconds into, with the label "Salute, ye of FICSIT"
    9. Main complex on the Grass Fields.
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Terrornator referenced at 1685 seconds into, with the label "The Ultimate Z"
  13. 2024-08-27
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TheRealMooChiChi referenced at 65 seconds into, with the label "Worth the Frames"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xonkene referenced at 285 seconds into, with the label "Nier Automation?"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by 7thMonkey referenced at 430 seconds into, with the label "I give up"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by yokmosho referenced at 785 seconds into, with the label "Enter the B.R.I.D.G.E."
    5. A circuit board inspired factory
    6. Entrance at the western oil coast.
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 1435 seconds into, with the label "WIP btw"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by slavaooo referenced at 1626 seconds into, with the label "Brutal Core"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Hot_Lengthiness_4786 referenced at 1861 seconds into, with the label "Wrapping up EA!"
  14. 2024-08-13
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TheRealMooChiChi referenced at 42 seconds into, with the label "I legit have no words"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by l1on3l85 referenced at 222 seconds into, with the label "Mother(board) of blueprints"
    3. signs everywhere!
    4. Timelapse + Showcase on Youtube ♥ + Blueprint is shared !
    5. Hello there. (Sea Dragon Powerplant)
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Jahorpinschnorp referenced at 836 seconds into, with the label "Adios, EA"
    7. Spot the wildlife
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by anelegantskull referenced at 1282 seconds into, with the label "Stellar Art Deco"
    9. Experimenting with new main base/storage center designs for 1.0, I call this one "Pack-Man"
  15. 2024-06-25
    1. This has a function and is intended to create a large magnetic field around the planet
    2. We are the Bean. You will be assimilated.
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by schattenfaenger_ referenced at 278 seconds into, with the label "Surely a 1.0 Feature"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Illustrious-Scar-186 referenced at 420 seconds into, with the label "Dungeons Confirmed"
    5. Train elevator
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Strikox referenced at 732 seconds into, with the label "Everything's just round"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by BronyModMyMods referenced at 918 seconds into, with the label "In Charge"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 1009 seconds into, with the label "Raging Bolt?"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Snuggles5000 referenced at 1302 seconds into, with the label "One Does Not Simply"
    10. This is a bow view of a battery factory I built in the shape of an aircraft carrier.
    11. Shot featuring SAC, the local Packaged Fuel gas station, and a train station to be used in the future
  16. 2024-05-28
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SaltSobriety referenced at 69 seconds into, with the label "Ship or floating museum?"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by faerine1 referenced at 233 seconds into, with the label "Is it alive...?"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Sempaliscious referenced at 418 seconds into, with the label "Can this thing shoot lasers?"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by BloodyLove referenced at 650 seconds into, with the label "Over the Abyss"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xbb1024 referenced at 943 seconds into, with the label "Corporate clean"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DavidZuren referenced at 1214 seconds into, with the label "Crystal Oscillator Factory"
    7. A snippet of our WIP Central storage hub
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by houghi referenced at 1602 seconds into, with the label "A nice sight indeed"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by LampLover3 referenced at 1912 seconds into, with the label "DOOFENSHMIRTZ?!"
  17. 2024-05-14
    1. Start of the Maze
    2. Stopped to admire the beauty while routing power lines to the Geysers
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by adso_sadso referenced at 406 seconds into, with the label "Topsy-turvy"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by The_Big_Tan referenced at 607 seconds into, with the label "Is this a PC?"
    5. Roadway to factories
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Key-Duck-831 referenced at 1124 seconds into, with the label "This is kinda distressing"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by St4rplant referenced at 1296 seconds into, with the label "Nothing but logistics"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by faerine1 referenced at 1500 seconds into, with the label "FICSIT Green Energy"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by WIZ0U referenced at 1738 seconds into, with the label "Space sweet space"
  18. 2024-04-23
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by seudaven referenced at 67 seconds into, with the label "Only the best for FICSIT!"
    2. FICSIT inc.
    3. Pawns set... (Thanks for the tips)
    4. The "factory" produces 5 versatile frameworks per minute.
    5. They said it couldn't be done. Unmodded Ramped Quarter Pipe foundations.
    6. 15 trains! 4 Bauxite stations and one coal unload.
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MakerGaming2022 referenced at 912 seconds into, with the label "Like it's evolving"
    8. HUB toilet was backed up, so I needed a plumber
    9. A touch of color
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Krustiphur referenced at 1350 seconds into, with the label "I love cliffside"
    11. I love how my nuclear plant looks at night
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by riplexus referenced at 1592 seconds into, with the label "Home sweet home"
  19. 2024-04-16
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ThomWay referenced at 32 seconds into, with the label "FICSIT doth approve"
    2. Working on my duel spiral road and train network, time to build in the red forest!
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 419 seconds into, with the label "But does it drop loot?"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by GigawattSandwich referenced at 542 seconds into, with the label "Any divers?"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by G_JaGuaR_ referenced at 684 seconds into, with the label "... 'n round 'n round 'n round"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pobkac referenced at 794 seconds into, with the label "My inner child smiles"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by rex8499 referenced at 893 seconds into, with the label "Un... limited..."
    8. Current Work In Progress Teaser
    9. Rainbow Road
    10. Nature!
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Van_Hansen referenced at 1470 seconds into, with the label "It's a sign"
    12. Do you have anything left over from previous updates?
    13. The manta ray looks small from up here
  20. 2024-04-02
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by G_JaGuaR_ referenced at 86 seconds into, with the label "Glorious descent"
    2. Watermill with modern architecture
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SmockErinno referenced at 284 seconds into, with the label "Landscape"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Alonte825 referenced at 454 seconds into, with the label "0 4.8GW"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by faerine1 referenced at 676 seconds into, with the label "Terrain spirals"
    6. Design 1
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AltimateJay referenced at 1023 seconds into, with the label "Recycling is important"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by HarryPopperSC referenced at 1110 seconds into, with the label "WEEE!!"
    9. Timelapse can be viewed on the channel.
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MgsGenesis referenced at 1417 seconds into, with the label "BOAT!"
  21. 2024-03-19
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by LouiDev0815 referenced at 49 seconds into, with the label "Lighting mood"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by LouiDev0815, Snutt referenced at 114 seconds into, with the label "say hi to barney"
    3. The interior, took me all in all about 100 hours to build...
    4. Glass, Beams n Belts
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by deleclipse referenced at 525 seconds into, with the label "The flower has evolved"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by adso_sadso referenced at 637 seconds into, with the label "Tropical"
    7. These are the first 40 base-pairs of cytochrome c. Scale is 4*10°12 : 1
    8. Wanted it to look integrated with the existing terrain
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AG3NTjoseph referenced at 1145 seconds into, with the label "Glorious pipes"
    10. continued ->
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Functional_Tech referenced at 1409 seconds into, with the label "Aluminumina!"
    12. Empty train station in summer mood
    13. 𝓗𝓪𝓹𝓹𝔂 𝓑𝓲𝓻𝓽𝓱𝓭𝓪𝔂 !
  22. 2024-03-12
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AG3NTjoseph referenced at 46 seconds into, with the label "Exodus Station (Daytime)"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AG3NTjoseph referenced at 154 seconds into, with the label "Exodus Station (Nighttime)"
    3. Just a Bean and I admiring the factory
    4. Picture from above with the Nuclear Power Plants on top
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Alex88FR referenced at 473 seconds into, with the label "Simply "giga""
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 667 seconds into, with the label "When do we make this a monster?"
    7. Creation of a black star
    8. Train station
    9. Do you like my triangular building? (the bridge is still wip)
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by CodiceIBBBAN, Snutt referenced at 1095 seconds into, with the label "chargin mah laser"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by WIZ0U referenced at 1152 seconds into, with the label "Lasers? LASERS?!"
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Satisfactory Events referenced at 1414 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  23. 2024-03-05
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @JimmyNoStar referenced at 32 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
    2. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a display depicting an alien creature (commonly referred to as the Bean) being abducted by a saucer spaceship from a farmer's field. The field features a giant jack-o-lantern & a red barn.
    3. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a sculpture of the character Samara from the film "The Ring" crawling out of a tv.
    4. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene from a halloween-themed on-rails attraction, with this particular scene depicting an imposing house with orange light shining through the large windows, with some plants growing in front of the house.
    5. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring the entrance to a haunted house attraction entitled "Not a happy forest".
    6. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a giant depiction of the flag of the United States of America with the winner of a pumpkin contest in front of the flag.
    7. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting a lone figure holding a small lantern in a forest.
    8. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of Stonehenge, a relatively giant poppy in the foreground, and a witch hanging in the background.
    9. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a memorial building with a spire and lit wall atop a series of stairs.
    10. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting a giant knife in the foreground and the sheet music of the melody of the theme from the film "Halloween" in the background.
    11. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a house decorated for visitors trick-or-treating on Halloween.
    12. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting several groups of people trick-or-treating on a town or city street.
    13. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of the character "Audrey II" from the film "The Little Shop of Horrors". The character is largely made using the game's pipes.
    14. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting an Australian house on fire.
    15. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting a corn maze in front of a rendition of the house from the Amityville film franchise, with a giant pumpkin in a giant wheeled cart in the left foreground.
    16. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of a giant spider web made from the game's power cables in a square frame.
    17. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiciton of "Spidertron" from Factorio.
    18. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting a compound from which one can defend against zombie attacks.
    19. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of the storm drain feature in a scene from several adaptations of the Steven King novel "IT" showing Pennywise lying in wait in the sewer.
    20. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of baby characters from the Minecraft franchise.
    21. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene of a graveyard infested with giant spiders.
    22. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a racoon messily eating a pumpkin.
    23. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a giant spider with red-tipped white fangs, with a statue of the game's creature commonly known as a "bean" standing in front of the spider, lit by two floor lamps.
    24. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a house from the film "Hocus Pocus".
    25. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of a house decorated for Halloween with a couple of trick-or-treaters walking by.
    26. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a giant depiction of the "Enderman" from Minecraft atop a grassy Minecraft-style dirt block.
    27. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a pixel art illustration of a green-hued skull
    28. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a display of several demonstrations of the repetitive structures one can make with the game's build tools
    29. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting a graveyard
    30. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of "The Black Gate" from several adaptations of "Lord of the Rings", with the eye of Sauron & Mount Doom visible behind the gate.
    31. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depicion of a two storey building with an three-storyy off-center tower above the entrance. The building is surrounded by a fence and has two headstones & a dead tree in the front yard.
    32. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a line-art depiction of a devil with pitchfork & soul contract.
    33. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depiction several people standing outside a cobweb-covered red farm building. To the left of a building is a lean-to roof with a giant spider atop the roof. To the right of the building is a small cornfield. In front of the building is a crowd of people standing in front of and under the entrance to the scene. Over the entrance to the scene is a sign reading "Earl's Spider Farm"
    34. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a relatively comical depiction of a giant shark
    35. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of a voxel-art style sign hung by chains from a frame. The sign reads "Welcome to Camp Crystal Lake. Est. 1935".
    36. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting a gingerbread house adorned with candy, using various items from the game's build tools. A tall pole sticks out of the roof of the building disappearing off-frame.
    37. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a monstrously distorted house, with the porch roof & beams forming an open mouth, and glowing crooked windows for eyes.
    38. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a spider built from the game's pipes & fluid buffers, lit from the front with an off-screen pinkish-purple light, and glowing signs either the eyes.
    39. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of a giant bag of candy, using pipes and a variety of the game's vehicles as scale props of candy bars. The giant bag of candy has the appearance of a jack o' lantern with glowing eyes and mouth.
    40. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting two invisible ghosts wearing bibs eating a meal at a dinner table. The scale of the scene is such that the game's Pioneer is about the size of the tines on the fork one of the ghosts is using. To the left-of-frame one ghost is eating a Pioneer with a knife and fork, with a bowl of soup in front of them. To the rear right-of-frame the other ghost is eating noodles with chopsticks from a bowl of soup. In the rear-off-center-right-of-frame is a box frame resembling a pumpkin with a glowing base. In the front-off-center-right-of-frame is a glowing candle.
    41. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a giant conical witch's hat with large brim, red band around the base, and an orange bow on the red band.
    42. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting several relatively giant sculptures of creatures from the game Minecraft.
    43. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting a variety of different movie references in one cityscape.
    44. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring an large open-walled structure constructed largely out of frames using street lighting to highlight various spots within the space.
    45. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a large hollow square building, the outer consisting of a series of chambers built from the game's pillars & glass walls. The series of chambers form a flappy bird-esque game designed to be played with Satisfactory's Jetpack.
    46. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of a scene from the game "PlateUp!" built using Satisfactory's build tools.
    47. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring an industrial building surrounded by a tall security fence made from conveyor belts filled with resources from the game.
    48. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting a group of people holding lanterns in a circle either summoning or sacrificing to a giant red hand & arm coming from a circular pit.
    49. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting a person in bed reading a fictional book written by DixeeChris entitled "Pluto is not a Planet And other Made up Horror Stories", with a menacing multi-armed ginger-bearded bespectacled creature crawling out from under the bed.
    50. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of giant smiling candy corn.
    51. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of Ernesto de la Cruz's guitar from the film Coco.
    52. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a large building-sized ouija board built using the game's build tools.
    53. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a mess of a tower of an apparently-functional belts & production machines.
    54. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of a pixel-art style painting resting on a giant easel. The pixel art painting depicts the character of Sally from the film "A Nightmare Before Christmas"
    55. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of a duck floating in a small pond with small lily pads also floating in the pond.
    56. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a scene depicting a fenced-in cemetery featuring 3 rows of graves on either side of a walkway/road, with cross-shaped headstones on each grave. IN the rear of shot are 5 crypts with in the center at the opposite end of the gated entrance leading onto the walkway/road, with one lit grave in each corner. Some of the graves in the front 3 rows have an eerie green glow coming frm them.
    57. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a giant orange candy bucket styled after a jack o' lantern, with the game's jelly landing pads being used as a stand-in for candy in the bucket.
    58. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of the Racoon City Police Station from the game "Resident Evil 2".
    59. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of two characters from the film "A Nightmare Before Christmas", Jack Skellington, and Zero.
    60. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a figure stuck on a rope bridge, walking over a room covered with vines & white-toothed purple piranha plants.
    61. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a large-scale herringbone-patterned floor with two bricks out-of-place in reference to the title of the piece "You had one job."
    62. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a cartoonish depiction of Dr. Martin Luther smashing pumpkins on a church door.
    63. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a small installation inspired by the work of creator Pobkac, featuring a much smaller/in-progress power slug fountain.
    64. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of several pieces referencing several horror movies.
    65. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of a cemetery with headstones representing the lifespan of a particular feature or meme within the Satisfactory community.
    66. Image from the game Satisfactory featuring a depiction of a giant pregnancy test.
  24. 2024-02-27
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Fabiosimmo referenced at 61 seconds into, with the label "Funky"
    2. Ik its nothing crazy but i am really happy about the outcome :) What do you guys think about it
    3. For the circular building, the turbo fuel is manufactured in Gold Coast...
    4. 01
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by NichLam referenced at 708 seconds into, with the label "Absolutely beautiful"
    6. Made on live, more will come..
    7. Doggo is forming its first thought ?
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by bdeguigne referenced at 1010 seconds into, with the label "They grow so fast"
    9. 75h of work, no mods, map solo, no jetpack, no hoverpack
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by durakpug referenced at 1324 seconds into, with the label "Splendid industry!"
    11. Ignore the top, it's part of the rest of the factory (WIP)
    12. Going back through old maps for ideas for my giant city build that I want to work on post 1.0, totally forgot about this monster. It created 100 turbo motors per minute and the cooling units needed for the motors. All other parts were brought in from other sites.
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @DortamursHobbies referenced at 1778 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  25. 2024-02-20
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by StoryPuzzleheaded805 referenced at 90 seconds into, with the label "Airport vibes?"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by isneeze_at_me referenced at 352 seconds into, with the label "Clean power!"
    3. The teepee is 9-sided.
    4. I do it live :) (Come say hi & Follow to support)
    5. Nestled in a valley, the Cairn is built over a deep pit in the ground
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Shot-Elk-3074 referenced at 773 seconds into, with the label "Return of brutalism"
    7. Modded - Project Icarus Rail Gun- detailed view
    8. I like the colors of biome :)
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Simrien referenced at 1130 seconds into, with the label "Inspire to organize"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by stefmixo referenced at 1234 seconds into, with the label "Race??"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by stefmixo, Snutt referenced at 1440 seconds into, with the label "Race??"
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by whutaname referenced at 1451 seconds into, with the label "Pappa Pia"
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @KyloBuilds referenced at 1717 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  26. 2024-02-13
    1. not-a-mall
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by isneeze_at_me referenced at 170 seconds into, with the label "Perfectly "Assembled""
    3. .. and close to water !
    4. Looks even better at night.
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Shot-Elk-3074 referenced at 554 seconds into, with the label "I'd absolutely not fight it"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Vegetable-Sink-1194 referenced at 641 seconds into, with the label "First 100 hrs?!"
    7. WIP - My new starter base, this building will build everything for me.
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699, Snutt referenced at 808 seconds into, with the label "Can it fly? (Snutt predictions)"
    9. Front view
    10. 120 Fuel Generators cramed into this building.
    11. Overview. Coal input and power tower output, with central access bridge. My brother and I built this over the course of a few sessions in our multiplayer game.
    12. For the love of all things Italian...
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @skyking4747 referenced at 1637 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  27. 2024-02-06
    1. Timelapse is here
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Terrornator referenced at 194 seconds into, with the label "ZETA progress!"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Functional_Tech referenced at 324 seconds into, with the label "Walk, drive, or tube?"
    4. Hornslet's Blueprints
    5. You can access the factory naturally on foot.
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pranjallk1995 referenced at 610 seconds into, with the label "Brutalist beauty"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699 referenced at 679 seconds into, with the label ""But... why?""
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TeamChevy86 referenced at 769 seconds into, with the label "Laugh, Live, C O M P L Y"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AnnaBanana322 referenced at 849 seconds into, with the label "Mood lighting"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @WhatDarrenPlays referenced at 979 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  28. 2024-01-30
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ThickestRooster referenced at 41 seconds into, with the label "5.625 HMF/min (and more)!"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by FatFisch referenced at 164 seconds into, with the label "For a rainy day"
    3. Solid processing and train station
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Fabiosimmo referenced at 338 seconds into, with the label "Cyberpunk?"
    5. More night shots
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699 referenced at 497 seconds into, with the label "Holy Particle Accelerator"
    7. Timelapse is here
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by real-TARS referenced at 799 seconds into, with the label "FICSmas never ends!"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Wonderwill6276 referenced at 902 seconds into, with the label "Alumnimimnimum le Louvre!"
    10. Yes, those are 0.5m signs


  1. 2023-12-12
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by _ChillieTB-Wafer referenced at 83 seconds into, with the label "Alumniminum!"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 183 seconds into, with the label "Where I'm going for the Holidays"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by houghi referenced at 347 seconds into, with the label "Just very neat!"
    4. Satisfactory is my favorite game
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Ramrod_Otsito referenced at 619 seconds into, with the label "Train Octagon"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by jorvp referenced at 741 seconds into, with the label "MOAR"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Cpt_Harry_Ballsonya referenced at 808 seconds into, with the label "smooth"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SummerChild81_TTV referenced at 897 seconds into, with the label "Cylinders of Power"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by lukepro2315 referenced at 985 seconds into, with the label "FICSMAS Village"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ValuableFap referenced at 1041 seconds into, with the label "FICSMAS Time!"
    11. The entryway to FICSMASLand!
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @BLAndrew575- referenced at 1305 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  2. 2023-12-05
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Available_Cry8404 referenced at 44 seconds into, with the label "City Factory"
    2. Power, Plastic, and Rubber
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699 referenced at 219 seconds into, with the label "Getting Lovecraft vibes"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Ok_Influence559 referenced at 325 seconds into, with the label "Bruh the lighting"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SnooCats9829 referenced at 398 seconds into, with the label "Very steel. Much HUB."
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Yakez42 referenced at 515 seconds into, with the label "Blueprint building"
    7. Trying out some new shapes for my iron and copper factories
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Capnlanky referenced at 722 seconds into, with the label "The FICSMAS spirit is strong here"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by slavaooo referenced at 773 seconds into, with the label "We're just going in circles"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Glittering-Pea-9020 referenced at 867 seconds into, with the label "Life in plastic"
    11. Hey! Get out of there! Thats a freight car for Bauxite, Not a...Zoo...transport car
    12. Tunnel gang
    13. Thanks for this incredible game!
  3. 2023-11-21
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 55 seconds into, with the label "mythical factory"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by timvk23 referenced at 142 seconds into, with the label "This is organized"
    3. I found a new place for my Space Elevator
    4. My pre-update self almost looks too at peace to murder for my inventory back.
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by BombStrike referenced at 358 seconds into, with the label "pumping station U8 style"
    6. First Oil-Refinery on new save | Not much, but I'm proud
    7. A little Screenshot i wanted to share from Our 2 Player 461 hour save :)
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AltimateJay referenced at 538 seconds into, with the label "Spicy green"
    9. These OSHA inspectors are getting quite thorough.
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by houghi referenced at 665 seconds into, with the label "temp factory"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by dupomat referenced at 799 seconds into, with the label "city of dreams"
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by d3r_jo referenced at 922 seconds into, with the label "the little bridge over troubled waters"
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by lukepro2315 referenced at 955 seconds into, with the label "under construction"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by lukepro2315 referenced at 980 seconds into, with the label "spooky refinery"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by grzott referenced at 1051 seconds into, with the label "Factory resort"
    16. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by s_twentynine referenced at 1258 seconds into, with the label "industrial vibes"
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by s_twentynine referenced at 1354 seconds into, with the label "industrial vibes at night"
    18. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Yakez42 referenced at 1418 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  4. 2023-11-14
    1. It's just such a shame the adjacent warehouse was vandalized
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DoktenRal referenced at 7063 seconds into, with the label "Radio gaga"
    3. Genuinely took me an hour to get this right as the world grid was playing up giving me half a foundation of height between the miner and my factory despite both being on the grid
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Claygolem79 referenced at 7220 seconds into, with the label "Menacing building"
    5. My factory has grown tentacles
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by houghi referenced at 7350 seconds into, with the label "Cozy cave"
    7. how's my pipe organization?
    8. My Favorite Screenshot to date.
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by From_Scratch_Games referenced at 7534 seconds into, with the label "=O"
    10. 600 oil to 19800MW of Power
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by LaCaveDuJP referenced at 7651 seconds into, with the label "there is only war"
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Effective-Address-73 referenced at 7722 seconds into, with the label "Lil' city"
    13. Decided to go all in on diluted packaged fuel. 1800 oil and 160 hours later.
    14. Smelting Floor
    15. Gotta love the new sign snapping and rotation!
    16. Love Building Bridges lately
    17. First usage of my new railway blueprint in my new save, I decided to go more simplistic and I'm happy I did.
    18. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Glittering-Pea-9020 referenced at 8000 seconds into, with the label "Now that's a hall"
    19. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Glittering-Pea-9020 referenced at 8051 seconds into, with the label "nice curves"
    20. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Leteramma referenced at 8091 seconds into, with the label "We're going up"
    21. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by RMSHN referenced at 8130 seconds into, with the label ""just started out""
    22. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by RMSHN referenced at 8169 seconds into, with the label "Blueprint bridge"
    23. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by NobodysXaos referenced at 8246 seconds into, with the label "Color Wheel"
    24. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MakerGaming2022 referenced at 8295 seconds into, with the label "So here I am, doing everything I can"
    25. I'm not the greatest at artistic architecture, but trying to improve
    26. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Curbix referenced at 8411 seconds into, with the label "Quartz times"
    27. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Chaos1699 referenced at 8481 seconds into, with the label "Ancient theater of fuel gens"
    28. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Chaos1699 referenced at 8534 seconds into, with the label "Monster spawning"
    29. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by PerforatedSoldier referenced at 8575 seconds into, with the label "Radio control units go brrr"
    30. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Nehelic referenced at 8608 seconds into, with the label "My new house"
  5. 2023-10-03
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @DrawingXaos referenced at 343 seconds into, with the label "Playground and leisure area"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AnnaRooma referenced at 419 seconds into, with the label "Ski Slope"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Pyjama_Lama referenced at 461 seconds into, with the label "Zoo and Petting Zoo"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Summerchild81 referenced at 506 seconds into, with the label "Pride Crawl Outdoor Glass Maze"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Raimen referenced at 592 seconds into, with the label "super cool outside build"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @PhyVeri referenced at 626 seconds into, with the label "Hikers being painted by Bob Ross"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by FH_Chillsmoke referenced at 700 seconds into, with the label "BBQ / Pool Party"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Baikenbits referenced at 805 seconds into, with the label "Paintball CTF"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ThinkingSpec referenced at 870 seconds into, with the label "Sydney Harbour Bridge bridge climb"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by HenryHooha referenced at 930 seconds into, with the label "Crazy Impossible Golf"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by CirrusJT referenced at 1014 seconds into, with the label "Football / Soccer Stadium"
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by BenderFondue referenced at 1076 seconds into, with the label "SeilPark (rope jungle gym)"
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Matsurique referenced at 1152 seconds into, with the label "Mushitori (bug hunting box)"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by dani_shming referenced at 1193 seconds into, with the label "Dogging"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ThatDudeAW referenced at 1273 seconds into, with the label "Let's go camping!"
    16. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DixeeChris referenced at 1311 seconds into, with the label "DixGolf Basket"
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Arch_Mii referenced at 1361 seconds into, with the label "Boretti BBQ with burgers and bacon"
    18. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AK Aunty Kai referenced at 1394 seconds into, with the label "Le Spaghetti theme park"
    19. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DevorazWindcatcher referenced at 1578 seconds into, with the label "Wacken Open Air"
    20. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by arblane referenced at 1618 seconds into, with the label "Outdoor activities"
    21. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Lawlzercawpter referenced at 1651 seconds into, with the label "Landwasser viaduct"
    22. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Taquila_Sunrise referenced at 1720 seconds into, with the label "Camping"
    23. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MattyCanny referenced at 1765 seconds into, with the label "Cornish pilot gig"
    24. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Aetherirum_33 referenced at 1824 seconds into, with the label "A bigger boat"
    25. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Joey T Badger referenced at 1858 seconds into, with the label "Ball & glove"
    26. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DragonhartWyrmkin referenced at 1903 seconds into, with the label "Golf, FICSIT-style, or is it just golf carting?"
    27. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by supersarahstars referenced at 1958 seconds into, with the label "A day at the funfair"
    28. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Zieg28 referenced at 1989 seconds into, with the label "Coach J's swim team"
    29. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SkashKitsune referenced at 2030 seconds into, with the label "Summer Xmas BBQ"
    30. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by auroragracett referenced at 2069 seconds into, with the label "pride events"
    31. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AdamTheUseless referenced at 2113 seconds into, with the label "Shakespeare in the park"
    32. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by PumpkinHead_LIVE referenced at 2153 seconds into, with the label "Chats build"
    33. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by daddycr0n referenced at 2211 seconds into, with the label "pool"
    34. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by HowToBeQuiet referenced at 2263 seconds into, with the label "Walking your dog, all your long"
    35. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by HS_Gaming_Group referenced at 2446 seconds into, with the label "Different outdoor activities"
    36. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Catafly7 referenced at 2504 seconds into, with the label "Cat sand castle house"
    37. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by HomeFrog referenced at 2542 seconds into, with the label "Awareness for our homeless veterans"
    38. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xxxXER0xxx referenced at 2581 seconds into, with the label "Outdoor activities"
    39. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xXthedrewbaccaXx referenced at 2638 seconds into, with the label ""Cave", it's totally outdoors."
    40. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @frutchy referenced at 2717 seconds into, with the label "Hot air balloon"
    41. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Krashafa referenced at 2768 seconds into, with the label "Mizumoto Japanese stroll garden"
    42. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pobkac referenced at 2806 seconds into, with the label "Balloon rides 4 free"
    43. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SiwaPyra referenced at 2850 seconds into, with the label "Beachside Paradise"
    44. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ParadoxxGS referenced at 2893 seconds into, with the label "Let's Go Racing"
    45. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Shocktor referenced at 2915 seconds into, with the label "untitled"
    46. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KonstantKonrad referenced at 2949 seconds into, with the label "Mount Kosciuszko scenic walk"
    47. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by RightMindGamming referenced at 2991 seconds into, with the label "Stan Sayers Pits Seattle Seafair"
    48. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Eurymachus referenced at 3027 seconds into, with the label "Water Skiing"
    49. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Braindg referenced at 3096 seconds into, with the label "Water powered jetpack"
    50. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by blunt_shark referenced at 3131 seconds into, with the label "A short journey into the mind of a 5-STAR man"
    51. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by seePyou referenced at 3163 seconds into, with the label "Powered Paragliding"
    52. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @TotalXclipse referenced at 3196 seconds into, with the label "Don't scuba with da big fish"
    53. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Runesun referenced at 3272 seconds into, with the label "Chess in the park"
    54. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Almine2 referenced at 3298 seconds into, with the label "A festival at shrine in Japan"
    55. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MidnightPhoBi4 referenced at 3345 seconds into, with the label "Rugby Game"
    56. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Mindless referenced at 3380 seconds into, with the label "Lawn mowing"
    57. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by BoswenMcBastok referenced at 3414 seconds into, with the label "Mom said I had to play outside"
    58. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Skippy referenced at 3441 seconds into, with the label "Water Works water park"
    59. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DELIRYA referenced at 3515 seconds into, with the label "heckin bees"
    60. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AudreyPlaysNice referenced at 3551 seconds into, with the label "El Castillo Temple of Kukulkan Pyramid of Quetzalcoatl"
    61. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @BLAndrew575- referenced at 3630 seconds into, with the label "Base-jumping"
    62. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Cazineer referenced at 3805 seconds into, with the label "untitled"
    63. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Shinnie referenced at 3847 seconds into, with the label "Spire Coast night life"
    64. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by morgant1c referenced at 3910 seconds into, with the label "Skygazing"
    65. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Live Action Pixel referenced at 3961 seconds into, with the label "I'm going on an adventure"
    66. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ItsJymmi referenced at 3999 seconds into, with the label "Outdoors golf indoors or Indoors VR edition"
    67. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Top Secret Stalker referenced at 4043 seconds into, with the label "non-.-sense"
    68. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Satisfictionary referenced at 4074 seconds into, with the label "(forgot to describe)"
    69. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DC_Wan referenced at 4108 seconds into, with the label "RC Car"
  6. 2023-06-27
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by CayoTZA referenced at 81 seconds into, with the label "Has all your iron needs"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by IanTheWonderdog referenced at 133 seconds into, with the label "The Final Boss"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Badv00doo referenced at 242 seconds into, with the label "BIG BATTERY"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by owdante referenced at 314 seconds into, with the label "I would work here"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by houghi referenced at 390 seconds into, with the label "Fancy Miner"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by vincent2057 referenced at 470 seconds into, with the label "Pew Pew"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TilllyMint referenced at 559 seconds into, with the label "The Bridge Meta Savior"
    8. HyperComp is proud to present the first of many factories to be added to Tech City, the booming heart of Massage-2(AB)b.
    9. The surface outpost with the ladder that leads into the cave
    10. exterior- actually the first time I've ever done a "trophy column" i.e. input/output gathered up and highlighted by a billboard backlight
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Gurros08 referenced at 918 seconds into, with the label "Clean Plastic"
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Strikox referenced at 984 seconds into, with the label "Fuel Generator Mk2"
    13. How do you guys like this design?
    14. Aluminum Ingot Factory
    15. Throwback! Anyone else remember the old days of oil production?
    16. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by From_Scratch_Games referenced at 1531 seconds into, with the label "Moody Lumen"
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by WoodrosWorldYT referenced at 1718 seconds into, with the label "Creepy Orbs"
    18. Guardian at the Gates.
    19. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @AproxPlays referenced at 2019 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  7. 2023-06-20
    1. This game is so pretty.
    2. At it again with a new project involving spiral pipes!
    3. This game is beautiful
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by shortlizard1 referenced at 229 seconds into, with the label "BRIDGE"
    5. Small phase 1 factory made on U8 dedicated
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by owdante referenced at 322 seconds into, with the label "Upd8 HUB"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by EternalDB referenced at 426 seconds into, with the label "C U B E"
    8. Welcome to Arrakis
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by -Major-Stryker- referenced at 508 seconds into, with the label "hydro power!"
    10. Ceci n'est pas une factory
    11. Oh nonononono
    12. Captured in update 8
    13. is it an Avacado?
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699 referenced at 948 seconds into, with the label "futuristic"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by From_Scratch_Games referenced at 1131 seconds into, with the label "mood"
    16. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Hammygames07 referenced at 1227 seconds into, with the label "Imperial lighting"
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @ItsBitz referenced at 1300 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  8. 2023-06-13
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by houghi referenced at 1271 seconds into, with the label "clean coal"
    2. Waiting to dock at the empty canister factory.
    3. My new packaged turbofuel factory
    4. I love a circular design for the space elevator.
    5. Infinity Hallway - Inspired by u/RoyalLoss5545
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ExplodingJetski referenced at 1592 seconds into, with the label "Needs more hexagons"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by From_Scratch_Games referenced at 1663 seconds into, with the label "vanilla or modded?"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by BUILDO-RAMA referenced at 1766 seconds into, with the label "Anatomi of a factory"
    9. Obligatory "billboard" at the front.
    10. Playin with large blueprints- Woodro's World
    11. just found out you can do this today
    12. Spent 8 hours building this bridge before realising it doesn't lead anywhere useful. What should I use it for?
    13. This game is truly beautiful
    14. Evening on the Choo Choo
    15. MORE POWER!!!
    16. Houston, we have a Bean...
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by StoryPuzzleheaded805 referenced at 2445 seconds into, with the label "400 colorful fuel generators"
    18. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 2538 seconds into, with the label "Automated tourism"
    19. The view from Above
    20. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by vincent2057 referenced at 2817 seconds into, with the label "laser welding"
    21. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Satisfactory Wiki referenced at 2888 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  9. 2023-05-30
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by JujubeeTheGreat referenced at 26 seconds into, with the label "Majestic coal times"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by D4DUBZZZ referenced at 120 seconds into, with the label "Spherical coal times"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MgsGenesis referenced at 258 seconds into, with the label "Bridge times!"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by d3r_jo referenced at 275 seconds into, with the label "Train bridge!"
    5. Look at all those chickens! (you can Find the link for the blueprints on my latest post)
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by WizardShep referenced at 610 seconds into, with the label "Cult meeting in progress"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by XEIDET referenced at 694 seconds into, with the label "Containment plans"
    8. My Work In Progress Coal Plant
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by grzott referenced at 827 seconds into, with the label "Map!"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699 referenced at 937 seconds into, with the label "Big Factory in the Desert"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by stayzeef referenced at 1036 seconds into, with the label "City Planner"
    12. Neverending Project =)
    13. Mirage Projects W.I.P (P4 Elevator parts, Radio Control Units, and Fused Frames
    14.  Steel production integrated in the quick folder
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @BEDplaysGAMES referenced at 1453 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  10. 2023-05-23
    1. Looking down on the top of the water tower
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ClassicLewis_ referenced at 132 seconds into, with the label "what happened here?"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by danz409 referenced at 192 seconds into, with the label "organized"
    4. Ma's Concrete in the desert, side.
    5. It fails at the final part.
    6. Bow to your king.
    7. it's perfect
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by StoryPuzzleheaded805 referenced at 582 seconds into, with the label "the dragon is coming"
    9. (please don't notice the cable I forgot to remove...)
    10. Tower of Power from a distance
    11. Roman style SPA facilities.
    12. Exterior View
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by grzott referenced at 998 seconds into, with the label "Fuel colloseum"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Nephanor referenced at 1091 seconds into, with the label "cyber power"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @EpiphaneSpeedruns referenced at 1194 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  11. 2023-05-16
    1. Little bit of a thought experiment went into a neat bridge to the grasslands
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pobkac referenced at 120 seconds into, with the label "when you have a coffee addiction"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by faerine1 referenced at 192 seconds into, with the label "no node here"
    4. My (wip) control room (more info in comments)
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by coalAshNrug referenced at 410 seconds into, with the label "date night"
    6. Peak efficiency achieved in vanilla game
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TheHomeFrog referenced at 624 seconds into, with the label "flying bridge"
    8. My Plutonium Deep Storage Facility in the Dune Desert
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @PhyVeri referenced at 800 seconds into, with the label "aluminium baby"
    10. I finally started using blueprints
    11. Updated layout to look more like a nuclear plant
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Lastrael referenced at 1133 seconds into, with the label "edgt train lines"
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699 referenced at 1287 seconds into, with the label "nothing bad ever happens here"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @ItsBitz referenced at 1598 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  12. 2023-05-09
    1. Jungle Temple
    2. Twin Towers
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699 referenced at 174 seconds into, with the label "To beat the game you have to fight this"
    4. Bank of China Tower
    5. Working on Ficsmas 2023. This is the 3rd generation Ficmas factory based on my gen 7 modular factory design. The planet has 400 train stations and 330 bidirectional trains which act as logistics between production lines.
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by No-Oil6786 referenced at 590 seconds into, with the label "Train elevation"
    7. Entrance
    9. Ficsit Overlords "Don't lose your head over it!" Me lol.....
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @DrawingXaos referenced at 1160 seconds into, with the label "The hottest of Rods"
    11. Collider construction complete
    12. Main Factory Complex.
    13. You look hungry, want some CEILING SPAGHETTI?
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @PhyVeri referenced at 1774 seconds into, with the label "Art"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AxialC44 referenced at 1829 seconds into, with the label "Red Jungle aesthetics"
    16. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @TerrisDWDC referenced at 1939 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  13. 2023-05-02
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Huntress_blue referenced at 610 seconds into, with the label "NES"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DoNKsta referenced at 632 seconds into, with the label "Pac-Man"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pobkac referenced at 640 seconds into, with the label "Tron"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @BLAndrew575- referenced at 676 seconds into, with the label "Antenna switch RF/VHF"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AudreyPlaysNice referenced at 759 seconds into, with the label "Who ya gonna call?"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ViroosLIVE referenced at 778 seconds into, with the label "Save Her Minigame from Five Nights at Freddy's 2 (1983)"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Raimen referenced at 810 seconds into, with the label "Galaga"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by henryhooha referenced at 854 seconds into, with the label "Chernobyl"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @jembawls referenced at 874 seconds into, with the label "NES with Final Fantasy 1"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AnnaRooma referenced at 894 seconds into, with the label "Sony Walkman Sports"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xxxXER0xxx referenced at 973 seconds into, with the label "TETRIS"
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ItsJymmi referenced at 994 seconds into, with the label "ET The Extra Terrestrial"
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Dani_Shming referenced at 1058 seconds into, with the label "The Discovery of the Titanic 1985"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Arch_Mii referenced at 1122 seconds into, with the label "It looks like the house from Beetlejuice"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @PhyVeri referenced at 1153 seconds into, with the label "Frogger"
    16. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by m1st3r_t4c0 referenced at 1232 seconds into, with the label "Commodore 64"
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Heimer_D referenced at 1283 seconds into, with the label "Madonna Pixel Art"
    18. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SkashKitsune referenced at 1348 seconds into, with the label "Best of the 80s"
    19. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by supersarahstars referenced at 1388 seconds into, with the label "Beetlejuice"
    20. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DevorazWindcatcher referenced at 1415 seconds into, with the label "Donkey Kong"
    21. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by RavingMage1 referenced at 1446 seconds into, with the label "ExciteBike"
    22. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by crowbarzero referenced at 1480 seconds into, with the label "Yomega Fireball"
    23. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MattyCanny referenced at 1581 seconds into, with the label "Rubix Cubes"
    24. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by seePyou referenced at 1614 seconds into, with the label "Turtle Logo"
    25. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by GremlinQuinn referenced at 1649 seconds into, with the label "Video Killed The Radio Star"
    26. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by CirrusJT referenced at 1685 seconds into, with the label "To Hill Valley"
    27. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ThatDudeAW referenced at 1739 seconds into, with the label "Hello Moto"
    28. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Trexoman referenced at 1840 seconds into, with the label "Rock 'Em Sock 'Em Robots"
    29. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by HS_Gaming_Group referenced at 1854 seconds into, with the label "This did not pass quality control"
    30. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SatisFictionary referenced at 1910 seconds into, with the label "Brooklyn Bridge"
    31. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by LoCPlaysGames referenced at 1942 seconds into, with the label "My Submission for the Worst Build of the Event #BlameDC_Wan"
    32. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by arblane referenced at 1990 seconds into, with the label "Q*bert"
    33. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Respawn_Repeat referenced at 2013 seconds into, with the label "Stranger Things Eddie playing Master of Puppets"
    34. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by daddycr0n referenced at 2070 seconds into, with the label "Game Boy"
    35. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SiwaPyra referenced at 2137 seconds into, with the label "Tron defeating MCP"
    36. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Epiphane referenced at 2177 seconds into, with the label "NES"
    37. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by osskomo317 referenced at 2231 seconds into, with the label "No dancing and no music in this town"
    38. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by fliss_the_kitty_commander referenced at 2265 seconds into, with the label "David Bowie aka Ziggy Stardust"
    39. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by zerifax referenced at 2290 seconds into, with the label "Ghost trap"
    40. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Catafly7 referenced at 2309 seconds into, with the label "Car Racing"
    41. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DannyCanero referenced at 2350 seconds into, with the label "Optimus Prime"
    42. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SummerChild81 referenced at 2382 seconds into, with the label "Frogger Satisfactory Edition"
    43. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SoenKigi referenced at 2453 seconds into, with the label "Sydney Tower Eye"
    44. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by baikenbits referenced at 2534 seconds into, with the label "Star Wars"
    45. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by baikenbits referenced at 2643 seconds into, with the label "Karate Kid"
    46. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Pobkac referenced at 2669 seconds into, with the label "Betamax"
    47. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SummerChild81 referenced at 2773 seconds into, with the label "Slovak Radio Building"
    48. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ThatMindlessGuy referenced at 2794 seconds into, with the label "NES"
    49. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by GetOffMyYarn referenced at 2819 seconds into, with the label "Keytar and Axe Guitar"
    50. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Delirya referenced at 2851 seconds into, with the label "Boombox"
    51. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by PKisGreat referenced at 2878 seconds into, with the label "The Terminator"
    52. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ThaneVim referenced at 2912 seconds into, with the label "Pioneer VD-1000 LaserDisc Player"
    53. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by LiveActionPixel referenced at 3014 seconds into, with the label "Thundercats Lair"
    54. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @ImKibitz referenced at 3033 seconds into, with the label "Enron HQ"
    55. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @tdeviant1 referenced at 3088 seconds into, with the label "building an 80s thing"
    56. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by firefless referenced at 3188 seconds into, with the label "AT-AT"
    57. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AnnaRooma referenced at 3207 seconds into, with the label "Berlin Wall"
    58. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by zerifax referenced at 3237 seconds into, with the label "Ghost Busters"
    59. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Catafly7 referenced at 3284 seconds into, with the label "Hot Wheels car wash"
    60. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Cazineer referenced at 3314 seconds into, with the label "Q Who"
    61. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TheGamerFoxx referenced at 3354 seconds into, with the label "Dig Dug"
    62. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DIEHARDave referenced at 3398 seconds into, with the label "Speak & Spell"
    63. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @j1mbers767 referenced at 3440 seconds into, with the label "A day in the life of a 80's Food Court"
    64. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SkittishAndBus referenced at 3529 seconds into, with the label "Konami Code"
    65. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by almine2 referenced at 3553 seconds into, with the label "Walkman  SONY TPS-L2"
    66. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Lawlzercawpter referenced at 3560 seconds into, with the label "STS-1"
    67. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by cheat117 referenced at 3589 seconds into, with the label "Outrun"
    68. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by travman19 referenced at 3657 seconds into, with the label "Welcome to the halls of Doggo"
    69. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Kalikus808 referenced at 3704 seconds into, with the label "In loving memory of Yankeeace50"
    70. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by PumpkinHead_LIVE referenced at 3761 seconds into, with the label "Johnny 5"
    71. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by HowToBeQuiet referenced at 3844 seconds into, with the label "The Xenomorph Queen"
  14. 2023-04-25
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by d3r_jo referenced at 127 seconds into, with the label "This ship will never sink — who's in?"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by avionpassion referenced at 280 seconds into, with the label "🤘🤘🤘"
    3. Just a small cliffside concrete factory with two refineries.
    4. 200x ECR 'sideways tube'
    5. View from outside.
    6. Made a working 780-480 sculpture, inspired by u/Ghost_flame220
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Dank_Force_Five referenced at 727 seconds into, with the label "Effort paid off"
    8. northern forest start area (update5)
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by nary_believe referenced at 866 seconds into, with the label "HUB Mk. 2"
    10. Ficsit approved MK5. Miner, With 9 outputs instead of 1
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by heighRick referenced at 989 seconds into, with the label "Cozy Night Shots"
    12. It looks nice, but uses a lot of steel beams.
    13. I have so many hypertube branches that I thought it needed a transit map. This is the result.
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699 referenced at 1182 seconds into, with the label "MEGA"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by kowrl referenced at 1240 seconds into, with the label "All The Steel"
    16. Unauthorized procrastination detected
    17. Chocobo Farm
    18. I still can't get over how pretty this game is. (really wish I remembered about photomode)
    19. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MakerGaming2022 referenced at 1560 seconds into, with the label "AI LIMITERCEPTION"
    20. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @danbull referenced at 1650 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  15. 2023-04-11
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xbb1024 referenced at 56 seconds into, with the label "Triangles"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by thisweirdlynameddude referenced at 165 seconds into, with the label "BRIDGE!"
    3. Tranquility
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Cyclefreak119 referenced at 354 seconds into, with the label "my new computer"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by 2-AB-b referenced at 500 seconds into, with the label "BRIDGE!"
    6. somewhere I saw the bridge support pillar, do you have an idea?
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @DrawingXaos referenced at 658 seconds into, with the label "smelter of doom"
    8. I think Bean approves of my new bridge.
    9. Made myself a fancy Hypertube cannon
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Ecaj referenced at 937 seconds into, with the label "I would live there"
    11. hi this is my first time making a bridge, can I get some feedback?
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by bob-de-b referenced at 1146 seconds into, with the label "jace vacation pics"
    13. Anyone know why I'm seeing this issue?
    14. 2nd truck station to feed my new aluminum build
    15. Fun little wall I'm making in my fuel packaging facility. If you have ideas that are funny or related to fuel packaging, please let me know, because I'm trying to fill three more sides like this!
    16. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Cyclefreak119 referenced at 1604 seconds into, with the label "I see you like belts"
    17. My HQ with the Storage.
    18. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Badmajic referenced at 1906 seconds into, with the label "sun roof"
    19. Maybe I should have just let the calculator delete the stuff when I mass deleted my save... :-)
    20. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by WilIs123 referenced at 2078 seconds into, with the label "my new motherboard"
    21. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ObiPlaysYT referenced at 2279 seconds into, with the label "a waterfall hidden behind a base"
    22. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by GER-Poosty referenced at 2369 seconds into, with the label "jace's next vacation spot"
    23. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Straight-Attempt-516 referenced at 2532 seconds into, with the label "just another day at the office"
  16. 2023-03-21
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by RenaissanceMan12 referenced at 14 seconds into, with the label "Scary Storage Containers"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by seraphim380 referenced at 58 seconds into, with the label "It calls for you"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by shortlizard1 referenced at 195 seconds into, with the label "I'd travel over this"
    5. This is my production hall for my 100 nuclear reactor setup. It has a footprint of 30x90 foundations and reaches 30 foundations into the sky!
    6. The factory complex I'm working on! It's the best feeling to work on this after a long day :)
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MgsGenesis referenced at 385 seconds into, with the label "When you overclock the overclocking"
    8. Here a global view of the power plant
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by StoryPuzzleheaded805 referenced at 541 seconds into, with the label "It just keeps going up"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by IcarusButAlive referenced at 615 seconds into, with the label "We got storage"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by From_Scratch_Games referenced at 668 seconds into, with the label "Making an entrance"
    12. Thank-Q for all the support on my last post.. So i worked on this bridge sunday evening and today, hope you like it and the little scene in the screenshots...
    13. The Fuel Factory Front Facade
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Timely_Bumblebee6431 referenced at 866 seconds into, with the label "How computers are made"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ZedtheAussieAlien referenced at 945 seconds into, with the label "just me and a couple of fuel generators"
    16. Small update on my Night City project, just a pretty screenshot I took. 400 hours in, another 50 or so before it's finished enough to share the savefile with you guys. I'm quite pleased how it's holding up, fps wise.....for now. Optimized signs would be helpfull 🙏
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Chaos1699 referenced at 1168 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  17. 2023-03-14
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by StoryPuzzleheaded805 referenced at 34 seconds into, with the label "Factory overload"
    2. We are the Borg! Resistance is Turbofuel... wait wat
    3. Gave this guy plenty of room to fly through.
    4. I would work here IRL
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by miT-Tim referenced at 333 seconds into, with the label "Just a nice building"
    6. So beautiful... too bad that pesky bit of nature is in the way (WIP)
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by houghi referenced at 466 seconds into, with the label "Distribution center in the sand"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @PhyVeri referenced at 560 seconds into, with the label "Improvise. Adapt. Overcome."
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by d3r_jo referenced at 630 seconds into, with the label "80's Aluminium Ingots"
    10. welcome to my mountain station
    11. Top floor
    12. Stay Hydrated!
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by JohanTravel referenced at 1018 seconds into, with the label "what is this?"
    14. Took about 100h or about 3 weeks on my livestream
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @TheDutchActuary referenced at 1265 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  18. 2023-03-07
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Albino_Captain referenced at 35 seconds into, with the label "They would live here"
    2. Who let the slugs out?! Seriously, I've got BIG problems with Ficsit management, because the production suddenly CRATERED by 0.1357%!! I went to investigate, and found a traffic jam because of this little power shard material creature!
    3. Both towers with stations to deliver sulfur and collect plastic
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pat__pix referenced at 247 seconds into, with the label "Encased Factory"
    5. Enjoying my first coal generators. A screenshot from previous patches.
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pat__pix referenced at 458 seconds into, with the label "We go big"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Ok_Try_6479 referenced at 490 seconds into, with the label "We built this city"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Darkethereal_ referenced at 603 seconds into, with the label "mood"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by redditjannis referenced at 734 seconds into, with the label "proud of ya son"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by J4ynik referenced at 941 seconds into, with the label "Spooky Batteries"
    12. Coming back after a short break, taking a moment to enjoy the beauty of the game, and then seeing this. Awe inspiring.
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Darkethereal_ referenced at 1133 seconds into, with the label "Nokron, Eternal City"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @frutchy referenced at 1310 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  19. 2023-02-28
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pat__pix referenced at 53 seconds into, with the label "clean water"
    2. Brainstorming my next build idea.
    3. it produces 8.0 assembly director systems per minute
    4. Small concrete factory with rooftop access to the manta ray.
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by JudeoBastille referenced at 452 seconds into, with the label "Towers of Coal"
    6. Truncated Octahedrons encasing a manufacturer on a belt fountain
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by vincent2057 referenced at 650 seconds into, with the label "mother..."
    8. 100hrs in my latest save, detailed a bit and added drone ports to Project Assembly
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @PhyVeri referenced at 858 seconds into, with the label "Danger zone"
    10. Why do I get the feeling someone lost his hand here... WIP
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by lokmanleung referenced at 1239 seconds into, with the label "Coal power deserves to look good"
    12. Perfectly Balanced, As All Things Should Be.
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by joshki5252 referenced at 1546 seconds into, with the label "Pre-Update 6 vibes"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by chinbeard, downenphoto, @punishedprops referenced at 1702 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  20. 2023-02-21
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Timely_Bumblebee6431 referenced at 8 seconds into, with the label "spider bridge"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Agent119 referenced at 190 seconds into, with the label "aesthetic coal"
    3. Still a lot of cleanup to do on this build but we're almost done with this 1560/min aluminum ingot facility.
    4. Coal Plant w/ out fish eye (WIP)
    5. bauxite belted locally, everything else brought in by trains
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Mrgreendahl referenced at 523 seconds into, with the label "cake layered factory"
    7. All items from the microfactory will be autosorted from a sushi belt in this storage of my outpost, overflow will be sinked.
    8. My end-game approaches - less than 650 Magnetic Field Generators remain. Feels good man!
    9. Desert Nights: Solid Steel Engine
    10. A View From the Swamp
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by itsjymmi referenced at 1266 seconds into, with the label ""100% done""
    12. Micro manage mode used frequently
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by lokmanleung referenced at 1574 seconds into, with the label "Research Lab"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Createin referenced at 1699 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  21. 2023-02-14
    1. But she became perfect in the first 12 seconds
    2. This place has been filled with nothing but awe-inspiring builds recently. So enjoy my new start
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SheneokNeok referenced at 145 seconds into, with the label "checkers factory"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by chris_aduro referenced at 320 seconds into, with the label "Alt. Power Source"
    5. I found a floating Sommersloop and I needed to build a train roundabout... so I named this the Sommersloop train exchange in the Red Forest.
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by From_Scratch_Games referenced at 581 seconds into, with the label "Caterium Complex"
    7. My boyfriend, his best friend, and I attempted to build an infinitely expandable factory in modded satisfactory. It crashed and these are the last of the screenshots.
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Lastarot referenced at 789 seconds into, with the label "coal on the water"
    9. Coal and sulfur are delivered by 3 trains and oil is near the powerplant.
    10. Outside view
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by FICSIT_Property referenced at 1230 seconds into, with the label "going up"
    12. wait a minute..
    13. Different Architecture
    14. Don't go AFK when playing with me
    15. Told my friend to build something on his own and then I come back to see this, I don't know if it's genius, stupid or both
    16. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Guym1022 referenced at 1968 seconds into, with the label "compact"
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Alex88FR referenced at 2177 seconds into, with the label "control"
    18. Coal powered Space Elevator
    19. Ah yes, my favourite biome.... the concrete desert
    20. Under His watchful gaze, we build.
    21. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by jonnywah referenced at 2662 seconds into, with the label "s t o r a g e"
    22. Sakura Steel, produces primarily Steel Pipes and Encased Industrial Beams in ratios to make ~12 or ~16 HMF depending on which alt you want to use
    23. I decided to embrace chaos and build my most insane factory yet: The Chaos Factory! No interior, it's a solid chucking mess of iron and steel!
    24. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Straight-Attempt-516 referenced at 3046 seconds into, with the label "factory with style"
    25. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @gmodism referenced at 3299 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  22. 2023-02-07
    1. I built a foundry just for the fun of building
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xSgt_Pepperx referenced at 174 seconds into, with the label "choo"
    3. Four quadrants, four layers of glass with beams
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by CinnamonToast34 referenced at 307 seconds into, with the label "let's go-kart"
    5. Final stage of the game
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by mynamesleon referenced at 447 seconds into, with the label "Agro!"
    7. The approach - I'm planning to build a train station and some type of factory, both above and below the concrete framework that's currently supporting the spirals.
    8. 70 hours in so far, I built a highway that goes through 3 biomes. Very satisfied.
    9. The Beauty of This Game is Amazing
    10. A little HMF planning never hurt anyone :)
    11. COMPLY
    12. Another bridge I want you to see
    13. Broke my leg
    14. Since we're posting poles.
    15. New to the game and I ran over one of these fellows... now he won't get off my train XD
    16. Surprised Storage - Sorry, Snutt forced me to do this
    17. All hail the elevator!
    18. 33 Fuelgens, all in a row, no, lets stretch them, and give them a twirl...
    19. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by 2-AB-b referenced at 1854 seconds into, with the label "storage... lot's of storage."
    20. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by WIZ0U referenced at 1941 seconds into, with the label "LET THEM FIGHT"
    21. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by itsjymmi referenced at 2078 seconds into, with the label "COMPLETE"
    22. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by blidis_a referenced at 2171 seconds into, with the label "that looks dangerous"
    23. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Мойте свои руки! referenced at 2232 seconds into, with the label "power tornado"
    24. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 2335 seconds into, with the label "ticket gobbler headquarters"
    25. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by nznomad42 referenced at 2546 seconds into, with the label "A+++++++++++"
    26. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TheXtrafresh referenced at 2638 seconds into, with the label "Aluminium Tower"
    27. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @ToasterGamingYT referenced at 2718 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  23. 2023-01-31
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Zerifax referenced at 220 seconds into, with the label "Talkboy Tape Recorder from Home Alone 2"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by PumpkinHead_LIVE referenced at 330 seconds into, with the label "A Nightmare before Christmas"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by XAVItheFish referenced at 412 seconds into, with the label "Nakatomi Plaza Die Hard"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Audrey Plays Nice referenced at 530 seconds into, with the label "But Santa is Bad, Bad, Bad "Santa doesn't care if you're naughty or nice""
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by seePyou referenced at 596 seconds into, with the label "In honor of all Greex Xmas movies..."
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by J1mbers referenced at 651 seconds into, with the label "Every Time a Bell Rings An Angel Gets Its Wings — From Its a Wonderful Life"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Blitzdadog referenced at 710 seconds into, with the label "Home Alone"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by FadeBlackout referenced at 784 seconds into, with the label "Snowman (home)"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Baikenbits referenced at 850 seconds into, with the label "Hard Die"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Epiphane referenced at 952 seconds into, with the label "Nakatomi Plaza Die Hard"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SummerCHild81 referenced at 1078 seconds into, with the label "A Charlie Brown Christmas Pixel Art"
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DontPokeJosh referenced at 1144 seconds into, with the label "Home Alone"
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AnnaRooma referenced at 1183 seconds into, with the label "Rudolph The Red Nosed Reindeer Had a very shiny nose..."
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Soen Kigi referenced at 1287 seconds into, with the label "Charlie Brown — Christmas Special"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by BraindG referenced at 1373 seconds into, with the label "jingle all the way"
    16. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Skittish, Bus referenced at 1479 seconds into, with the label "A Christmas Story"
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SiwaPyra referenced at 1571 seconds into, with the label "How the Grinch Stole Christmas"
    18. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by cazineer referenced at 1641 seconds into, with the label "Star Wars Lego Holiday Special"
    19. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by JessicaFrances referenced at 1713 seconds into, with the label "Nightmare before Christmas"
    20. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Trexoman referenced at 1776 seconds into, with the label "Santa Clause"
    21. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SatisFictionary referenced at 1857 seconds into, with the label "Die Hard"
    22. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Liveactionpixel referenced at 1896 seconds into, with the label "Batman"
    23. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Krashafa referenced at 1964 seconds into, with the label "GIMBEL'S ELF"
    24. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Pobkac referenced at 2054 seconds into, with the label "The Polar Express (Santa's Square)"
    25. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Dani_Shming, Leon referenced at 2118 seconds into, with the label "Elf"
    26. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Daddycr0n referenced at 2172 seconds into, with the label "THAT BIGASS XMAS TREE IN THE POLAR EXPRESS"
    27. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Joey T Badger referenced at 2210 seconds into, with the label "Nightmare before Christmas"
    28. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Melothrien referenced at 2331 seconds into, with the label "Nightmare before Christmas"
    29. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by supersarahstars referenced at 2374 seconds into, with the label "Empire State Building from Elf!"
    30. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Devoraz Windcatcher referenced at 2407 seconds into, with the label "Polar Express"
    31. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Tony T referenced at 2460 seconds into, with the label "Die Hard"
    32. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @oldcannuck774 referenced at 2498 seconds into, with the label "POLAR EXPRESS (interpretive)"
    33. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xero referenced at 2531 seconds into, with the label "Home alone house"
    34. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Arch_Mii referenced at 2598 seconds into, with the label "Nutcracker"
    35. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Eurymachus referenced at 2615 seconds into, with the label "Gizmo — Gremlins"
    36. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @DrawingXaos referenced at 2650 seconds into, with the label "Harry Potter xmas Hogwarts great hall"
    37. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Demieous referenced at 2681 seconds into, with the label "Polar Express"
    38. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by CIRRUSJT referenced at 2729 seconds into, with the label "Home Alone 2"
    39. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Yudie referenced at 2750 seconds into, with the label "Frosty's Revenge"
    40. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Henryhooha referenced at 2793 seconds into, with the label "Arthur's Christmas"
    41. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Caledorn referenced at 2851 seconds into, with the label "the Lord of Tentacles"
    42. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by locplaysgames referenced at 2918 seconds into, with the label "White Christmas"
    43. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Donksta referenced at 3004 seconds into, with the label "CHARLIE BROWNS CHRISTMAS"
    44. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MidnightPhoBi4 referenced at 3035 seconds into, with the label "Silent night"
    45. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ThatMindlessGuy referenced at 3094 seconds into, with the label "THE GRINCH THAT STOLE CHRISTMAS"
    46. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Perforated Soldier referenced at 3128 seconds into, with the label "Joyeux Noel"
    47. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Runesun referenced at 3202 seconds into, with the label "The Christmas Chronicles"
    48. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Dragonhart Wyrmkin referenced at 3268 seconds into, with the label "Little Drummer Boy"
    49. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Layna_live referenced at 3295 seconds into, with the label "miracle on 34th street"
    50. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Fliss_The_Kitty_Commander referenced at 3332 seconds into, with the label "The Nutcracker And The Mouse King"
    51. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ItsJymmi referenced at 3372 seconds into, with the label "Polar Express"
    52. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Delirya referenced at 3404 seconds into, with the label "Gingerbread Grinch themed cake"
    53. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Jahuul referenced at 3477 seconds into, with the label "Home alone 2 hotel"
    54. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Scarfo76 referenced at 3538 seconds into, with the label "Polar Express"
    55. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @BLAndrew575- referenced at 3576 seconds into, with the label "Jim Henson's Muppets Christmas Carol"
    56. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TheGamerFoxx referenced at 3647 seconds into, with the label "Polar Express"
    57. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by RavingMage1 referenced at 3718 seconds into, with the label "The Santa Clause"
    58. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Raimen referenced at 3775 seconds into, with the label "Elf food scene"
    59. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Catafly7 referenced at 3832 seconds into, with the label "National Lampoons Shitter is Full"
    60. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Professor Pobstein referenced at 3867 seconds into, with the label "Frozen (Let It Go, please god, Let It go)"
    61. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by CovertLego referenced at 3945 seconds into, with the label "Yule Log"
    62. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by THREEKINGDOMS_3K referenced at 3967 seconds into, with the label "National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation House"
    63. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ViroosLIVE referenced at 3988 seconds into, with the label "The Polar Express Wrapping Facility"
    64. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Bus referenced at 4075 seconds into, with the label "Hope you find your dad! (Elf)"
    65. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @tdeviant1 referenced at 4316 seconds into, with the label "Gizmo — Gremlins"
  24. 2023-01-24
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by VanquichedUncle referenced at 84 seconds into, with the label "The little storage house that could"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by houghi referenced at 173 seconds into, with the label "Naturalistic Factory"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by aFlickerFromBeyond referenced at 338 seconds into, with the label "Capsule Tree Factory"
    4. what is that?...
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by UmlautNibbaWithD referenced at 604 seconds into, with the label "NSFW"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by bob-de-b referenced at 684 seconds into, with the label "This Factory's got AC"
    7. Moved my main base to the cliffs south of the red bamboo fields. It hangs over the giant hole.
    8. A different kind of stairway...
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by WizardShep referenced at 964 seconds into, with the label "I'll see you in court!"
    10. A design for "item-displays" for storage. Vanilla.
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TUNDRA-STRUCK referenced at 1187 seconds into, with the label "Bridges 4 lyfe"
    12. Abyssal Bridge over the chasm between Brimstone Station and Azure Scar Station
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MAGICLORD101 referenced at 1524 seconds into, with the label "First Bridge out of Many"
    14. Had this platform before. It's meant to be ...
    15. Innocent little power storage room...
    16. 15k Iron and Copper ingots, primed and ready.
    17. 220 m high without counting towers
    18. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @relyengaming referenced at 2240 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  25. 2023-01-17
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by BLAndrew575 referenced at 70 seconds into, with the label "The madman's done it!"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by witheredspringbonnie referenced at 219 seconds into, with the label "#NoFilter"
    3. We wanted a hub and ended up with a nightclub
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by bob-de-b referenced at 326 seconds into, with the label "SAtisfactorypunk"
    5. Enough power, for now. Naptha station distributes petrochemical products and raw bauxite.
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by kqk2000 referenced at 495 seconds into, with the label "Clever"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by alextestsatis referenced at 538 seconds into, with the label "Power for the whole community"
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Xenoom82 referenced at 616 seconds into, with the label "🔥MY EYES🔥"
    9. Nuclear Powerplant is Complete! 20 GW, 100% Efficient w/ Plutonium Fuel Rod Sink
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by eouw0o83hf referenced at 834 seconds into, with the label "Neat Blueprint Station"
    11. The tree atop the tree
    12. WIP 625.000MW Power Storage Backup
    13. Thank you hannah again for providing us with this bit of the map.
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Patee_melon referenced at 1218 seconds into, with the label ""Friends" factory"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by blidis_a referenced at 1332 seconds into, with the label "Pretty Aloominum"
    16. my power-tower, 10 generators each
    17. Guess how we did it
    18. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 1549 seconds into, with the label "More Interior Design"
    19. Fancy Ficsmas snowball area
    20. After a job well done :)
    21. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by bluevaw referenced at 1778 seconds into, with the label "Just a regular storage container"
    22. Meet UberParts: Delivery anywhere, anytime
    23. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by From_Scratch_Games referenced at 1998 seconds into, with the label "Steel City"
    24. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AbleRunnerEli referenced at 2067 seconds into, with the label "STUNNING at night"
    25. i built it modular/expandable too in case i decide to upgrade to Turbofuel
    26. Is there a limit to how long you can name your save files? XD
    27. Copper Complex, both buildings
    28. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @FluxoBuilds referenced at 2510 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  26. 2023-01-10
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by DCDGaming99 referenced at 330 seconds into, with the label "I could use some of that energy in my mornings"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by RMSHN referenced at 401 seconds into, with the label "IT COUNTS 💦"
    3. Thought I’d preserve the holiday cheer.
    4. My favorite way for spaghetti. Very useful, compact and comfortable (especially if you have a hoover already)
    5. Bridge to Paradise Island
    6. How Many? Yes.
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Agent 86, troldann referenced at 736 seconds into, with the label "Santa's Workshop"
    8. Phew. It took 132 hours but i finally made it
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by LimpJelly referenced at 884 seconds into, with the label "Slick Conveyor Lift Design"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content referenced at 960 seconds into, with the label "Straight-Attempt-516 Papers, Please."
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SummerChild81 referenced at 1087 seconds into, with the label "Peanuts :3"
    12. The exterior of the factory.
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by All_Mine referenced at 1292 seconds into, with the label "TICK TOCK"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by BLAndrew575 referenced at 1343 seconds into, with the label "Guess who..."
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pat__pix referenced at 1558 seconds into, with the label "Final Boss Level"
    16. 8 Plutonium Rods p/m, everything except aluminium is produced on site
    17. 2 Normal and 2 Pure nodes, 12 refineries and 60 fuel gens. Polymer resin goes into Awesome sinks for now.
    18. I was playing The Cycle: Frontier and I found this box while wandering around. Had to take a sec to check who made this game lmao.
    19. Next plan, a statue holding every item
    20. my Favorite Screenshot yet, gotta love the symmetry :)
    21. RIP Technoblade
    22. FICSIT employees must keep their clothes clean at all times
    23. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by d3r_jo referenced at 2461 seconds into, with the label "One spark and... 💥"
    24. Probably the one good view in my current save
    25. Still perfecting the font.
    26. We have built IKEA at our server.
    27. I think you know where this is going
    28. After Elysium and Tartarus, I found my new district's name !
    29. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by bob-de-b referenced at 2982 seconds into, with the label "Da Club"
    30. View from the back. In the left bottom of the picture you see the back maintenance entrance and the drone port. Also: maintenance door for scale ;)
    31. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by technocracy90 referenced at 3110 seconds into, with the label "This is smart"
    32. This is my rotor assembly p1
    33. Road barrier with industrial handrail
    34. 2700 Plastic / minute (i still need 900 more)
    35. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by mynamesleon referenced at 3558 seconds into, with the label "#AqueductMeta"
    36. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 3698 seconds into, with the label "Simsfactory"
    37. Front view
    38. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Strikox referenced at 3800 seconds into, with the label "Evil Lair"
    39. This is one way to go :)
    40. showcase ->->-> info in comments
    41. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SignpostMarv referenced at 4047 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"


  1. 2022-12-20
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Immortal-D referenced at 335 seconds into, with the label "Stunning"
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by pyjama__lama referenced at 418 seconds into, with the label "FICSMAS — Village"
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by StoryPuzzleheaded805 referenced at 496 seconds into, with the label "This has it all"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by busverglas21 referenced at 537 seconds into, with the label "5775 MW Fans"
    5. There's snapping, and then there's SNAPPING.
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by d3r_jo referenced at 779 seconds into, with the label "Christmas Sweater Energy"
    7. Front View 1
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @DrawingXaos referenced at 989 seconds into, with the label "Xaosmas"
    9. It's my firsts FicsMas and I may have overdid it
    10. Finally finished the FICSMAS research - Happy Efficiency Everyone
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ConstableDong referenced at 1213 seconds into, with the label "I would live there"
    12. Meanwhile, in Cart Storage...
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Alex88FR referenced at 1376 seconds into, with the label "The clouds 😍"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by 4y744 referenced at 1507 seconds into, with the label "Power Dam"
    15. Some items.
    16. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by R0ckandr0ll_318 referenced at 1670 seconds into, with the label "1 Year Anniversary"
    17. bridge to spire coast
    18. How am I supposed to get that gift box.....
    19. Employee #1745 is stuck with uranium waste in his pocket so he must be quarantined.
    20. just created my favorite scene
    21. World save coming?
    22. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by anOldVideoGamer referenced at 2279 seconds into, with the label "30 hrs in lets gooooo"
    23. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TheRealOWFreqE referenced at 2330 seconds into, with the label "Photography"
    24. Ready to break ground on my 4050/min Plastic Factory on the other side of the map. Around 60k items in 13 Freight Wagons + 2 for my personal belongings, pulled by 2 Engines. Let's see if I can get it built without needing to make a trip back to my hub.
    25. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MgsGenesis referenced at 2716 seconds into, with the label "Train Station Meta?"
    26. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by peak fool referenced at 2793 seconds into, with the label "Merry Ficsmas Everyone ❤️"
    27. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @ImKibitz referenced at 2886 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  2. 2022-12-13
    1. I sinked all alien material I had saved up over 160 hours as Alien DNA Capsule , it gave quite a bit of coupons.... More than expected
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Nichola34737006 referenced at 443 seconds into, with the label "Epic Nightclub"
    3. It took me a couple minutes to figure out how to get the colors right for the stripes on a 1-lane-to-2-lane-3-way intersection, so, like a good engineer, I am documenting my work so that it can be replicated.
    4. The Main Reason I Was Psyched About Blueprints: On-Demand Transportation Infrastructure!!
    5. The colours really pop at night
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KingEikester referenced at 788 seconds into, with the label "<blank>"
    7. Nature is just truly majestic sometimes
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by lilibat referenced at 961 seconds into, with the label "Gothic"
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by NoisyNeighborx referenced at 1102 seconds into, with the label "HNNNNG"
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by nightb3rt referenced at 1196 seconds into, with the label "CLEAN"
    11. My 599.4 m^3 crude oil to 44226 MW of power Turbofuel plant. Roof and most things above the plant removed in this picture and fluid production buildings recolored to production.
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by _ChillieTB-Wafer referenced at 1442 seconds into, with the label "More bridge meta"
    13. blueprints make this almost too easy, 1500 iron ingots
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by domdom_2325 referenced at 1603 seconds into, with the label "Conveyor Ski Lift"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by alextestsatis referenced at 1685 seconds into, with the label "Merry FICSMAS"
    16. My workers are getting unionized...
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Scampo2002 referenced at 1846 seconds into, with the label "...."
    18. I like flat blueprints. Tell me this didn't bother you too =)
    19. Ceci n'est pas un bus.
    20. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by alextestsatis referenced at 2174 seconds into, with the label "⚡ FICSIT ENERGY DRINK ⚡"
    21. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by cwigginsNYC referenced at 2256 seconds into, with the label "Motor factory"
    22. People said this is a bridge building game, right?
    23. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @DrLootCrate referenced at 2568 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  3. 2022-12-06
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by _ChillieTB-Wafer referenced at 1527 seconds into, with the label "The FICSMAS Spirit"
    2. when you plan your factories so poorly you have to make things like this.
    3. My desert power plants
    4. Enjoy your new job
    5. A full Ficsmas factory!
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by LeDiandary referenced at 1705 seconds into, with the label "What's this? LeDiandary is evolving?"
    7. Beautiful Night Sky (I was setting up a particle accelerator when this happened.)
    8. Drone port overhangs the side of the building due to initially trying to build inside 4x4 grid
    9. i build a roof out of conveyor belleds what do you guys thing
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by vincent2057 referenced at 1909 seconds into, with the label "Shinra don't seem that bad"
    11. Xevexian Station... for trains!
    12. FICSMAS factory spread sheet
    13. Side view with the construction train on the lower deck
    14. Managed to grab this really pretty screenshot
    15. My new quality control manager is really taking the job seriously.
    16. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by 1TARS1 referenced at 2213 seconds into, with the label "SUPREME WEAPON BOSS FIGHT"
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SoenKigi referenced at 2252 seconds into, with the label "RTX ON"
    18. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by solarflare1337 referenced at 2317 seconds into, with the label "Chat: 1 for Aluminum 2 for Aluminium"
    19. Mandatory Ficsit Holiday cheer. haven't done Ficsmas since the first year. Wanted to go bigger this year and make something I won't tear down a few days after it ends.
    20. Why
    21. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by NobodysXaos referenced at 2472 seconds into, with the label "Cosmic"
    22. the factory must grow
    23. It's starting to snow! Kinda...
    24. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SpectrumDad referenced at 2636 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  4. 2022-11-29
    1. Beauty shot of copper alloy ingot blueprint stacked 4 times with some added details. The whole thing produces 6,240 copper ingots per minute. Also it's load balanced :D
    2. Got a friend on my train!
    3. Getting some strong Lion King vibes from this one
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by mynamesleon referenced at 240 seconds into, with the label "Bridge Meta Goin' Strong"
    5. e
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Lokee420 referenced at 434 seconds into, with the label "New Stairs Meta?"
    7. I propose to you, the PERFECT Satisfactory background picture.
    8. Built my first ever train bridge, I really like it
    9. Straightest way to bring coal to my steal plant went right over some sulfur nodes so....
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by mynamesleon referenced at 653 seconds into, with the label "honest at this point we need to get RCE on this stream ffs"
    11. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Hurricane referenced at 882 seconds into, with the label "Pre-packaged Balance"
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Rise-Of-AI referenced at 1087 seconds into, with the label "Never too late for Spook"
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by hidupforreal referenced at 1165 seconds into, with the label "Matrix_Quotes.txt"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Adrason referenced at 1267 seconds into, with the label "Environment Appreciation"
    15. City design from my 2nd playthrough. Like the new design a lot better.
    16. Traffic!!!
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by From_Scratch_Games referenced at 1521 seconds into, with the label "ALIEN TECH?!"
    18. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by CraftArchitect referenced at 1636 seconds into, with the label "Spaghet"
    19. Frontview: middle lifebelts-FEED, left/right Liftbelts-OUTPUT
    20. Plant Overview
    21. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Mgsgenesis referenced at 2145 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  5. 2022-11-22
    1. 240 Baux, 240 Water, and 120 Coal makes 200 Ingots!
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Raciper referenced at 124 seconds into, with the label "Green™️ Energy"
    3. Maybe blueprints were a bad idea. 19,200 power storage buildings in a Menger sponge, storing almost 2 terawatt hours.
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by mikkan39 referenced at 287 seconds into, with the label "Just your average Factory Cart™️ driver"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Lusitano82_ referenced at 390 seconds into, with the label "SHINY SPACE PORT"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by msquar3d referenced at 442 seconds into, with the label "Trauma Response"
    7. looking North on a beautiful afternoon
    8. My big pp
    9. Pulse looks normal.
    10. Planning Board Room/Building
    11. Unlocking the true power of blueprints
    12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Strikox referenced at 1008 seconds into, with the label "Weeeeeeeeeeeee"
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by mynamesleon referenced at 1116 seconds into, with the label "The Meta Holds"
    14. Every time I paste a BP I shed a tear, 1200MWh per level (thank you sinwarrior for the design)
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by AnthorNet referenced at 1271 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
  6. 2022-11-15
    1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by PumpkinHead_LIVE referenced at 1545 seconds into, with the label "B R I D G E"
    2. When a bean feels comfortable around you..
    3. I am impressed how well the Satisfactory Train signaling holds up.
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by cwigginsNYC referenced at 1770 seconds into, with the label "Stairs Stairs Stairs"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by tomsa744 referenced at 1845 seconds into, with the label "Secret Lab"
    6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by From_Scratch_Games referenced at 1951 seconds into, with the label "Concrete Solutions hue hue hue"
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by JohanTravel referenced at 1994 seconds into, with the label "they need to be stopped"
    8. Today one person puked from this perfection. Quite proud of it.
    9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by CraftArchitect referenced at 2118 seconds into, with the label "p r o d u c t i o n"
    10. Wait, THATS illegal
    11. I'm sorry...
    12. My new Turbofuel plant (630 oil, 140Fuel gens producing 21GW of electricity)
    13. I made a basketball ring
    14. My Blueprint machine just got delivered, hoisting it up!
    15. Entrance to the factory. The highway of conveyor belts shuttle raw resources inside
    16. With "meteor"
    17. I don't have a banana for scale, but the lit windows on the sides are 1m square signs :)
    18. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by bob-de-b referenced at 2888 seconds into, with the label "Coffee Stain Pick"
    19. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Extreme_Blueberry_99 referenced at 2930 seconds into, with the label "Coffee Stain Honorable Mention"
  7. 2022-11-08
    1. A lovely day at the Factory.
    2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by StoryPuzzleheaded805 referenced at 120 seconds into, with the label "I am rubber you are plastic"
    3. Creative build - 2916 power storage total. Built individual sections by hand and used mods to duplicate. All vanilla pieces and possible to build without mods.
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by CraftArchitect referenced at 405 seconds into, with the label "don't feed the factory"
    5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by CraftArchitect referenced at 478 seconds into, with the label "bridge"
    6. Spent 10+ hours to build these two walls
    7. Pic from the 8th floor of my satisfactory world coming up on 1k hours!!!
    8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MgsGenesis referenced at 681 seconds into, with the label "clean production"
    9. The city is coming along nicely
    10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by zehcoutinho referenced at 846 seconds into, with the label "nuclear spa resort"
    11. a little bit of micro manage sure does help a lot :D
    12. Produces 20.000 MW/min from one Crude Oil node in four seperate clusters.
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by bob-de-b referenced at 1109 seconds into, with the label "Let's go out for drinks"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @m1st3rt4c0 referenced at 1220 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @xeros-world referenced at 1690 seconds into, with the label "Pass It On Winner!"
  8. 2022-11-01
    1. Spire Fortress U6
    2. Rainbow Towe
    3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Acnoisbae referenced at 272 seconds into, with the label "Turbofuel beyblade"
    4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Hylaeus referenced at 354 seconds into, with the label "Striking gold"
    5. My new logistics hub
    6. I guess the Smelter is warm?
    7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by randomtaskkk referenced at 626 seconds into, with the label "Refatored Coal Gens looking might fine"
    8. QuickWire factory (8640/min)
    9. 90 Hours into my factory and this is the first time im using trucks
    10. I have no clue how many storage containers these are
    11. I soon have enough points to buy a third nut
    12. 300 hours into my first playthrough, still at phase 2
    13. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MasterAlferado referenced at 1840 seconds into, with the label "The Big Dig"
    14. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by bob-de-b referenced at 1905 seconds into, with the label "Flying Storage"
    15. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MFreezzzz referenced at 2043 seconds into, with the label "Exclusive Limestone Club"
    16. Kennel
    17. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xbb1024 referenced at 2254 seconds into, with the label "Facilities"
    18. Refinery
    19. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by JohanTravel referenced at 2529 seconds into, with the label "Theme Park Vibes"
    20. my heavy modular frame fabric (5 per min)
    21. Who likes my Satisfactory costume
    22. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Gaspode93 referenced at 2800 seconds into, with the label "The most Efficinent Pioneers"
    23. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @tdeviant1 referenced at 2943 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
    24. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Snutt referenced at 3357 seconds into, with the label "Monkey Island"
    25. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Zerifax referenced at 3428 seconds into, with the label "Millennium Falcon"
    26. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @oldcannuck774 referenced at 3465 seconds into, with the label "Sunken pirate ship"
    27. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @pobkac referenced at 3511 seconds into, with the label "Super-detailed chest"
    28. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @FizziBerry referenced at 3558 seconds into, with the label "Proper pirate ship with dock"
    29. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @PhyVeri referenced at 3602 seconds into, with the label "Underwater Diorama"
    30. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TheGamerFoxx referenced at 3662 seconds into, with the label "Skull & Crossbones"
    31. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @BLAndrew575- referenced at 3699 seconds into, with the label "The Pirate Bay laptop"
    32. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Danny_Canero referenced at 3742 seconds into, with the label "Spongebob Booty Shack"
    33. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @jembawls referenced at 3801 seconds into, with the label "KEYGEN.exe"
    34. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @devorazwindcatcher referenced at 3860 seconds into, with the label "Cassette Tape piracy"
    35. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ItsJymmi referenced at 3933 seconds into, with the label "Really big pirate ship"
    36. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Krashafa referenced at 4021 seconds into, with the label "Lighthouse"
    37. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Dani_Shming referenced at 4105 seconds into, with the label "Shanty Town"
    38. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @soenkigi referenced at 4169 seconds into, with the label "Pirate Bay computer with mouse and keyboard"
    39. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @blastroid7444 referenced at 4227 seconds into, with the label "trrreasurrre chest"
    40. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @m1st3rt4c0 referenced at 4428 seconds into, with the label "xxx Keg"
    41. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @Catafly7 referenced at 4496 seconds into, with the label "Archipelago"
    42. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @huntressblue3705 referenced at 4583 seconds into, with the label "The whole game in a chest"
    43. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @SatisFictionary referenced at 4611 seconds into, with the label "Wooden beam pirate ship"
    44. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @dontpokejosh referenced at 4649 seconds into, with the label "Pirate Spongebob"
    45. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @FluxoBuilds referenced at 4678 seconds into, with the label "Laser Kraken"
    46. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @mrxgame386 referenced at 4706 seconds into, with the label "Golden-toothed pirate skull"