Satisfactory Community Highlights Archive

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August 27th, 2024 Community Highlights

Community Highlights for the August 27th, 2024 Livestream originally streamed on

  1. 00:00 Intro
  2. 01:05 Worth the Frames
  3. 04:45 Nier Automation?
  4. 07:10 I give up
  5. 13:05 Enter the B.R.I.D.G.E.
  6. 14:55 Snutt going on an interaction design tangent
  7. 18:53 Circuit Board!
  8. 21:18 Where there's a will, there's a tunnel
  9. 23:55 WIP btw
  10. 27:06 Brutal Core
  11. 31:01 Wrapping up EA!
  12. 34:32 How to get featured in Community Highlights
  1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TheRealMooChiChi referenced at 65 seconds into, with the label "Worth the Frames" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TheRealMooChiChi referenced at 65 seconds into, with the label "Worth the Frames" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TheRealMooChiChi referenced at 65 seconds into, with the label "Worth the Frames" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by TheRealMooChiChi referenced at 65 seconds into, with the label "Worth the Frames"
    01:05 (View on YouTube)

    Worth the Frames

  2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xonkene referenced at 285 seconds into, with the label "Nier Automation?" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xonkene referenced at 285 seconds into, with the label "Nier Automation?" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by xonkene referenced at 285 seconds into, with the label "Nier Automation?"
    04:45 (View on YouTube)

    Nier Automation?

  3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by 7thMonkey referenced at 430 seconds into, with the label "I give up" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by 7thMonkey referenced at 430 seconds into, with the label "I give up" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by 7thMonkey referenced at 430 seconds into, with the label "I give up" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by 7thMonkey referenced at 430 seconds into, with the label "I give up" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by 7thMonkey referenced at 430 seconds into, with the label "I give up" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by 7thMonkey referenced at 430 seconds into, with the label "I give up" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by 7thMonkey referenced at 430 seconds into, with the label "I give up"
    07:10 (View on YouTube)

    I give up

  4. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by yokmosho referenced at 785 seconds into, with the label "Enter the B.R.I.D.G.E." Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by yokmosho referenced at 785 seconds into, with the label "Enter the B.R.I.D.G.E." Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by yokmosho referenced at 785 seconds into, with the label "Enter the B.R.I.D.G.E."
    13:05 (View on YouTube)

    Enter the B.R.I.D.G.E.

  5. A circuit board inspired factory
    18:53 (View on YouTube)

    Circuit Board!

  6. Entrance at the western oil coast. Exit at the swamp. One of many segments in the tunnel. Can't have an underground tunnel without a service entrance.
    21:18 (View on YouTube)

    Where there's a will, there's a tunnel

  7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 1435 seconds into, with the label "WIP btw" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 1435 seconds into, with the label "WIP btw" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 1435 seconds into, with the label "WIP btw" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by MutedArtistPlayer referenced at 1435 seconds into, with the label "WIP btw"
    23:55 (View on YouTube)

    WIP btw

  8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by slavaooo referenced at 1626 seconds into, with the label "Brutal Core" All base resources are supplied to this room. In the center is the main recycler of excess resources.
PS: I'll show you the base when I'm finished (its size is huge) Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by slavaooo referenced at 1626 seconds into, with the label "Brutal Core"
    27:06 (View on YouTube)

    Brutal Core

  9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Hot_Lengthiness_4786 referenced at 1861 seconds into, with the label "Wrapping up EA!" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Hot_Lengthiness_4786 referenced at 1861 seconds into, with the label "Wrapping up EA!" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Hot_Lengthiness_4786 referenced at 1861 seconds into, with the label "Wrapping up EA!" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Hot_Lengthiness_4786 referenced at 1861 seconds into, with the label "Wrapping up EA!"
    31:01 (View on YouTube)

    Wrapping up EA!