Satisfactory Community Highlights Archive

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December 12th, 2023 Community Highlights

Community Highlights for the December 12th, 2023 Livestream originally streamed on

  1. 00:00 Intro
  2. 01:23 Alumniminum!
  3. 03:03 Where I'm going for the Holidays
  4. 05:47 Just very neat!
  5. 08:13 Building of Business
  6. 10:19 Train Octagon
  7. 12:21 MOAR
  8. 13:28 smooth
  9. 14:57 Cylinders of Power
  10. 16:25 FICSMAS Village
  11. 17:21 FICSMAS Time!
  12. 20:02 This is where FICSMAS Santa lives
  13. 21:19 How to get featured in Community Highlights
  14. 21:45 Content Creator Highlight
  1. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by _ChillieTB-Wafer referenced at 83 seconds into, with the label "Alumniminum!"
    01:23 (View on YouTube)


  2. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 183 seconds into, with the label "Where I'm going for the Holidays" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 183 seconds into, with the label "Where I'm going for the Holidays" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 183 seconds into, with the label "Where I'm going for the Holidays" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 183 seconds into, with the label "Where I'm going for the Holidays" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 183 seconds into, with the label "Where I'm going for the Holidays" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 183 seconds into, with the label "Where I'm going for the Holidays" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by KaiaSebastian referenced at 183 seconds into, with the label "Where I'm going for the Holidays"
    03:03 (View on YouTube)

    Where I'm going for the Holidays

  3. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by houghi referenced at 347 seconds into, with the label "Just very neat!" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by houghi referenced at 347 seconds into, with the label "Just very neat!"
    05:47 (View on YouTube)

    Just very neat!

  4. Satisfactory is my favorite game
    08:13 (View on YouTube)

    Building of Business

  5. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Ramrod_Otsito referenced at 619 seconds into, with the label "Train Octagon"
    10:19 (View on YouTube)

    Train Octagon

  6. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by jorvp referenced at 741 seconds into, with the label "MOAR"
    12:21 (View on YouTube)


  7. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Cpt_Harry_Ballsonya referenced at 808 seconds into, with the label "smooth"
    13:28 (View on YouTube)


  8. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by SummerChild81_TTV referenced at 897 seconds into, with the label "Cylinders of Power"
    14:57 (View on YouTube)

    Cylinders of Power

  9. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by lukepro2315 referenced at 985 seconds into, with the label "FICSMAS Village" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by lukepro2315 referenced at 985 seconds into, with the label "FICSMAS Village"
    16:25 (View on YouTube)

    FICSMAS Village

  10. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ValuableFap referenced at 1041 seconds into, with the label "FICSMAS Time!" Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by ValuableFap referenced at 1041 seconds into, with the label "FICSMAS Time!"
    17:21 (View on YouTube)

    FICSMAS Time!

  11. The entryway to FICSMASLand! The bridge through the grand showroom Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Troldann referenced at 1202 seconds into, with the label "This is where FICSMAS Santa lives" Candy Cane Lane Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by Troldann referenced at 1202 seconds into, with the label "This is where FICSMAS Santa lives"
    20:02 (View on YouTube)

    This is where FICSMAS Santa lives

  12. Unfortunately no alt text is available, but this is the thumbnail for content by @BLAndrew575- referenced at 1305 seconds into, with the label "Content Creator Highlight"
    21:45 (View on YouTube)

    Content Creator Highlight